Kreative Korner > Maps & Mapping
KF Map Help
Heyya everyone!
Just looking for some insight, maybe somebody else can help me with this. It's for a map I'm making in KF, but I'm using Zombowl as an example.
#1: Looking to incorporate a mutator or something of the sort which does EXACTLY what is depicted in this video. I just can't code it myself :I
XFire Video
#2: Something in the map that automatically sets the difficulty to Suicidal.
#3: Make the vehicles respawn properly.
--- Quote from: Sonar on June 22, 2012, 00:29 ---Heyya everyone!
Just looking for some insight, maybe somebody else can help me with this. It's for a map I'm making in KF, but I'm using Zombowl as an example.
#1: Looking to incorporate a mutator or something of the sort which does EXACTLY what is depicted in this video. I just can't code it myself :I
XFire Video
#2: Something in the map that automatically sets the difficulty to Suicidal.
#3: Make the vehicles respawn properly.
--- End quote ---
Welcome to Dev land :D
Aww hell yeah
The reason I'm learning code and making UDK KFZ mod is because what's bugging you bugged me to the point where I had to learn to do it for myself, so it can be how I want it. Just as you want to change the timer.
I'll get around to figuring out the code of timers, etc etc, but at the moment I'm doing other things with the mod, including code, sry. But I'll keep my eye open for what you want. Best I can offer with the time I have.
I can write an actor or mutator if it's not a huge work, but what are you trying to do? I watched the video, just saw you riding.
As for difficulty, maybe you can change it in level props?
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