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A great night on Miasma

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ye because the link between western europe and america has bigger capacities than link between europe and eastern countrie like  russia, india, etc etc... That 's why  west americans have ping under 150 ( ex paris/ san francisco =9000 km ; paris/new delhi =6600 km)

underwater optical fiber, fewer hops are making the difference.

Au to Eu D:

yeah you are all correct, if the bandwidth and download speeds are increased then the theory goes that because Australia is already so slow with its connections across the world then ping can only improve. As a general rule of thumb, the ping rate cannot go any further than a certain point because ping is simply how long it takes to send a packet of data then recieve it. So ping will not necessarily change a dramatic amount, but some nonetheless is better than none :-)

288 Ping is the stable number for me now :) not great but better nonetheless

Interesting how humans have wired the whole planet.
Here's a more interactive map:

Different ISPs might have more suitable routing.
There's also proxy kind of services that can offer you better routing, like this: (just a random example, dunno how legitemate they are).

It's common sense no miracles can happen though


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