Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF 2.52 muts


Well, since TWI didn't gave to Snipe permission for KF 3 developing, how about porting some new weapons from KF3 to 2.52 as mutators? This is not modifing an original kfmod code, what exactly was banned for Snipe. And then, if make it as mutators, we can use it perfectly, I guess.

TWI didn't give any persmissions for v2.52 either. It's not something you need...

Snipe developing his own KF, with blackjack and whores. I'd like to see some new weapons in 2.52, 1 weapon on each perk, for example. That would be epic.

I also suggested simply patching them into V 2.52. I mean they're pretty much finished at it'd be a shame if nobody used them.
Just call it "KF V2.52 Weaponz 'n' Zombs Pack".

I like Van's idea.
But Mutators are not to underestimate too.


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