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How hot is it where you are ?

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Tween Killer:
Hit 93 degrees last week and the beach is open for vacation business
The US got hit with a lot of big tornadoes a small one here

93 degrees of what?
Fahrenheit? Celcius? Kelvin?
Fahrenheit I guess.

Well yesterday it was here about 37°C (about 98,6°F).
Way too hot. Today there were like 36,5°C (97,7°F).

The Celsius scale is the primary temperature standard for climatic purposes and is used in like 99% of countries. If your country has a different standard, you should mention the unit.

~25-30 here these days. Way too hot for me...

Tween Killer:
93F = 33.8889C
fahrenheit to celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit are used in the United States to measure temperatures

30° C  (Add 60% dampness. Feel like sweating 24/7) + installing floor tiles outside , it looks like a furnace...


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