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getting UT2004 to install on OS X 10.9
My 2007 iMac merged with the infinite last night, so now I have a brand new iMac with OS X 10.9 and it won't let me install UT 2k4. Are there any workarounds or will I have to get an outboard hard drive to run Leopard so I can resume play?
Why not just BootCamp into Windows? Or buy a Windows computer? You wouldn't have even needed to think of this being a problem if you had Windows.
Have you tried using something like Parallel to run a Windows version of 2k4 on your Mac? Otherwise you'll probably have to roll back to an older version of OS X.
Sounds like I'll just have to get an outboard drive and run leopard on it...
Sorry, but I really, really can't help you :P
I don't know anything about Macs aside from Safari and Finder.
You could try the Windows version via WINE. No need to actually buy it first, for experimenting you can try the demo:
--- Quote from: unit1421 on October 27, 2013, 22:26 ---iMac with OS X 10.9 and it won't let me install UT 2k4
--- End quote ---
PC users would usually get an error message in this kind of a situation. Mac OS just doesn't let user do things and thats it? Maybe you could provide more info...
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