Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod


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It's true, having KF back would be great. But it's also true that I'd probably only play once or twice and then move on to something else again. To me it's fun once in a while, but I could never play it continuously or regularly :D

Good times, though. Good times.

Hm, we truly had good times with KF... I'd play it, if there were regular sessions. Sadly, many of the veterans aren't here anymore so...

KF was fun, Raj introduced me to it I only got to play it a handful of times though :(

Would def be cool If there are still some players who enjoyed the kf mod, and we could all schedule a time to come on and play it, I would def. be down for that.



--- Quote from: [MiA]Raj on February 07, 2015, 12:10 ---In order for it to pay off, the very few players that KF mod stilll has should attend regularly, not play once and then forget about it for years.

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True words. I think that concerns specially me.

--- Quote from: Vanico ---Hm, we truly had good times with KF... I'd play it, if there were regular sessions. Sadly, many of the veterans aren't here anymore so...

--- End quote ---
Same here.

However, I think now it's time to say hello again. Hello to all those who are still active in this community!

I have to confess, nothing will be as it was years ago, I cannot take as much time as years ago, but I think I will take a look in here more often.

Just an idea: What about playing KFMod coming up weekend? Maybe saturday in the evening (UTC).

It's great to see there are still some people who have not forgotten this game.

Good idea


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