Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod


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Damn, I missed it too, I don't check the forum often enough :D

Next time announce it 2 weeks in advance!

Heyya Vanico, long time!  If Raj is willing KF Saturday again, 8pm UTC.

Have you learned any 3d programs yet?  Max, Maya, Blender?  The KFZ Brandenburg Gate won't make itself :p  Game Engines these days expect static meshes - BSP is only used as a last resort.

I've been using Blender for a long time now and even provided a weapon for the Ballistic Weapons mod.

I'm not that skilled though and not really interested in doing any further modeling stuff.

KF was fun :D

Gotta join you next saturday too. Some of my old maps are missing though... fun ones like ghetto and blockedpath would be worth a try again.


--- Quote from: Vanico on March 21, 2015, 20:45 ---I've been using Blender for a long time now and even provided a weapon for the Ballistic Weapons mod.

I'm not that skilled though and not really interested in doing any further modeling stuff.

KF was fun :D

Gotta join you next saturday too. Some of my old maps are missing though... fun ones like ghetto and blockedpath would be worth a try again.

--- End quote ---

Tis a pity dude you're not interested.  Let me know if you change your mind.

Good to see you too :)

I might actually be able to play this weekend coming up, I might not have to work for once.

My boss wouldn't like it if I said "can I have the weekend off to play videogames?"


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