I caved and bought it. It is pretty good, I'll say it is subjectively better than KF1. I'm not gonna lie, I think KF2 has more atmosphere than KF1 too

Some things to note are:
- The new gore system is lovely. The splatterhouse effects can be turned down if need be. Consistent shots to the same area will visibly deteriorate said area. Dismemberment is a thing now!
- The knife still makes you run faster, BUT they've also included a sprinting mechanic. From what I've noticed there's no stamina so you can sprint indefinitely, and the speed boost is negligible. It's equivalent to going from a decent walking speed to
full-on Olympic running through thick molasses.
- The trader is no longer a living breathing entity, it's a futuristic vending machine. Literally.
- Since it's in Early Access on Steam, there are 4 classes (Berserker, Commando, Support, Medic) and 3 maps (BurningParis, Outpost, and BioticsLab) one of which is apparently a remake but I'm confident to say it is completely different.
- There are three new zeds. Cyst which is a reskinned Clot, and Slasher which is a faster reskinned Clot. Hans Volter is the new Patriarch and is basically an old man in an exoskeleton. Yay.