Donations to keep the name server, redirect, and forums running:

Thank you

Thank you for thinking about donating to keep the servers running.

We have a UK bank account, a PayPal account, and a Coinbase account which we use to pay for server colocation fees hosting, name server, and website hosting.

If you would like to help, and are able to use the UK Bank account, please use this method we get more of the money. Paypal applies a fee to every donation.

UK Bank Transfer

If you are in the UK, then this is the most effective way to send money as there are no fees for UK faster payments or Open Banking

To donate to the UK bank account, please use these details on a standing order or transfer:

Sort Code: 60-84-07 (Chase)
Account:   97592996
Name:      Stephen Christian-Edwards


BTC Address:



Paypal - most countries

To Donate using the Paypal account, please use the button below which should work for people in many countries. Please let us know your player name!

Paypal - ‘Donation restricted’ countries

A number of people have told us that they’d like to help but that the donations button doesn’t work for them. They get this message:

Paypal: Donations to this recipient arent supported in this country

Paypal is restricted from sending donations or "friends and family" payments in some locations, by regulatory rule.

I contacted the PayPal team to ask about people in places like India not being able to donate towards running costs etc when they tried to use the donate button.

Paypal said that if the Donate button does not work, you should be able to use this link: to send money.

Quote from: PayPal
some countries such as India are not able to send donations or make "Friends and Family" payments due to regulations within their country, they can only make payments via "Goods and Services" when doing this we will take a fee of 4.98%+30p due to the payments being international its slightly more of a fee than usual

If you want to try this, please bear in mind the PayPal exhange rate and their fee if you are trying to get a certain amount of money to us. As an example, if you send 291.79 INR from India then PaypPal will convert this to £3.29, take a fee of £0.46, and we will receive £2.83.

If you have questions about Paypal rules, exchange rates and fees, you may be able to get more help from your local PayPal team than I was able to get from here!

Thank you. These donations help keep the server and forum running.