Exported all portrait textures I could find, resized/cropped, sharpened, colour-enhanced and added borders.
It may seem like a lot of work, but with
ImageMagick it really wasn't.
Here's the batch script I wrote for this if anyone's interested:
if not exist "processed" mkdir "processed"
FOR /f %%I IN ('DIR *.bmp /b') Do (
mogrify -unsharp 0.7x1+25+0.1 -resize 100 -crop 100x100+0+20 -background black -format png -path processed %%I
convert "processed/%%~nI.png" -level 7%% "processed/%%~nI.png"
composite -compose atop "D:\Graphics\avatars\frame_100alt.png" "processed/%%~nI.png" "processed/%%~nI.png"
You should be able to select them in profile settings.

Pack with all 90 avatars can be downloaded