Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial  (Read 125317 times)


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Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« on: March 07, 2010, 23:14 »
The basics drawn from UDN, other docs and experience, but slightly different basics which I hope has something of interest to everyone.

I hope the orange txt is readable xd  The scrollbar is way, way down the bottom of the page, so you can see whole pics.

  maptut01 movement
























« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 09:42 by [MiA]Raj »


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2010, 18:40 »
Thx, great tut.

Gonna follow it when summer break starts. Got a good idea which i have never been able to realise.

I'll try to fix your images problem tomarrow or later.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2010, 16:02 »
Thanks Raj, and the screen width :o  An unconventional tut which aims at 'how to' and I hope it's useful.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2010, 18:19 »
 >:( To Snipe34,

That's what I'm talking about!!! Nice tutorial. Now if you can only share the rest with us, like movers, counters (like in KF-OldTower, heh-heh), and triggers, then it'll be greeeaaaatttt!


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2010, 01:28 »
>:( To Snipe34,

That's what I'm talking about!!! Nice tutorial. Now if you can only share the rest with us, like movers, counters (like in KF-OldTower, heh-heh), and triggers, then it'll be greeeaaaatttt!

It's on my todo list  :P


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2010, 11:42 »
dam the only thing i need to know bout mapping is how to make a zombie be somewhere i dont mean a zombie spawn volume but i want to make a map like so when you turn a corner a zombie walks out of a door any one got any idears??


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Zombie triggered spawn...
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2010, 17:51 »
 :-[ To deathnote,

i want to make a map like so when you turn a corner a zombie walks out of a door any one got any idears??
Sure thing. You need something like KF-TheHive251 triggered spawns (or KF-Horztal33).

KF-TheHive251 uses a "scriptted trigger" to activate a zombie spawn(s). First, you need a mover (door) to activate the "scriptted trigger". You get the "scrippted trigger" by clicking on the "Actor" button. It looks like a chess pawn. Then you go to "Keypoint", then "AIScript", then "ScripttedSequence", and finally to the "ScripttedTrigger". Go to the location where you want to place the scriptted trigger and left click and scroll to the part that says "Add ScripttedTrigger Here". Then right click and you have your scriptted trigger! Then open its properties by clicking on the scriptted trigger and clicking on "Actor Properties".

Then click on "AIScript". Then "Add". And go down to "New". Scroll down the list and choose "Action_WAITFOREVENT". Then click on "New" button on the RIGHT SIDE! Then click on "External Event". Then type in the "tag" (name) of the mover (door). Then go back up to the "Actions" bar and click on "Add" button again. Now you have to choose a different slot, "ACTION_SpawnActor". Then click on "New" on the right side. This will open up the event bar. Click on the "ActorClass" button and scroll down to "ZombieBloat" or whatever zombie you want to spawn! And that's it.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 18:38 by poompoom500 »


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Adding objects...
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2010, 14:22 »
 :-[ To jeetkundo,

Can you please tell me how to add objects ?
Okay. This should be kind of easy. Anyways, let's start by click on the "staticmeshes" button at main menu bar. That should be the one under the "File, Edit, View, etc..." bar. It's the arch picture. . What you get is the static meshes dialog box. Click the "open" button. It's the one that looks like an open envelope. . Then you'll see the  "Open Static Meshes Package" dialog box. Choose the static meshes you need. I'll choose "KillingFloorstatics.usx". From that selection, pick the object that you want. In this case, I picked the "Patio Table".. Choose your location where you want the object to be, and left-click and scroll to "Add Static Mesh: 'KillingFloorStatics.PatioTable'". And right-click. Bwahlah, you have your object!

And if you want to RESIZE the object, just click on its properties, and click on "Display" bar. Then click on "DrawScale" and change the size. I changed it to .5 from 1.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 15:05 by poompoom500 »


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2010, 16:17 »
Great how to do it mesh tutorial, poompoom!

For trader doors and map basics there's also a tut that comes with KF, in the KF directory.


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Exporting textures and staticmeshes...
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2010, 18:08 »
 :-[ To jeetkunedo,

i want to export  my custom textures and static meshes
It shouldn't be too hard. Unless you want to crop or "borrow"  the object from a map and save it in an SM file to use for your own. Anyways, just go to your Windows Explorer, click on your main HDD (hard disk drive), C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 2004\KFMod20\Textures, and choose your textures, (ex. KF_Mahloeeh_MyLevel.utx) and copy it to a separate folder (ex. "My Documents\jeetkunedo_exports"). Of course you have to create the sub-directory, "jeetkunedo_exports" before you "copy to" your textures file to it. The same applies to your static meshes file(s).


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2010, 18:17 »
Hey i have a problem...

So i import 20 textures ,all 512 x 512 ,all bmp ,all good .
They import i have the map the package (yeah it's myLevel at name or something)
I only use 2 textures a couple of times on the map ,save again ,exit ,come back later and when i open the map is good but when i open my package the 2 textures i used are looking fine but the other 18 are black,WHAT THE FUCK ?

Realy need some help over here ,over .

You mean you only used 2 textures?  If you don't use all of them - place them in your map, they will disappear from your map's 'mylevel.'  You will need to re-import, and then place all of them in your map.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2010, 19:01 »
Snipe i tried to open the hive or oter story maps but it laggs too much and i can't look at it ,could you please help me on those things ,it would be great if you can ... :

1.I want to make a storymode map , how to make player respawns (on the map wherever i want too) when they die so they don't leave the game ,and if possible to have a number of lives .

2.If you are in a volume trigger some zombie spawns ,fp's for example somewhere  , and if it's on easy spawn less and hard spawn more , how... ?

3.Is it possible to make a action like:
Press use on something >gives hunting shotgun (but requires 500 $ ,a restriction like if the player has >500 then spawn pickup somewhere or give it the player .

4.Teleport ? How do i make a player teleport if they press use somewhere and how do i make the teleport destination ?


Hey man!  Using Pix' counter triggers as per my tut, you can open the doors to next level similar to a storymap.   If you Google around you can also find more info on the subjects below:

Use TriggeredPlayerStarts for player spawn. Give the first spawn a common Event;Tag:TriggeredPlayerStart1 is ok.  At the next set of player spawns: Event;Tag: TriggeredPlayerStart2 is ok...  So you tag each set of triggered player starts uniquely.
But you also need to switch on the new ones and the old ones off.  For that you need standard triggers.  Place the first trigger before the 2nd players spawns, and in the standard trigger's Event;Event;TriggeredPlayerStart2 (so that switches on the 2nd player spawns).  Just past that trigger place another Event;Event;TriggeredPlayerStart1 - so that switches off the first TriggeredPlayerStarts.
Finally don't forget to make the standard triggers, classTriggers;KFHumanPawn, so the zombies don't trip them.

Volume trigger idk anything about, sry (except the type to turn on player damage as in Horztal flipped taxi).  For spawning zombies in that map I used scriptedTriggers.

I know how to spawn weps on demand, but idk how to charge a fee for them :)

Switchable teleports idk either, only standard, stand on teleport and go, similar to Trader teleports.

You may be able to find scripts via Google for those things, that's where I found triggered volumes.


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2010, 18:02 »
Please help i looked 50 times but kfmonster it's not expendable i mean it doesnt have the + to see the monsters it's just kfmonster there and yes im looking in the right area , i want to see the zombies but i can't help ....

Do you mean this?


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2010, 01:07 »
YEs ,exactly that i can't expand that thing i don't know why ,there is nothing in kfmonster ...

You are working with KF edit and not UT edit?


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Re: Killing Floor Mapping Tutorial
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 14:29 »
Like always i open killing floor map editor .bat but when it opens it opens the unreal 2004 editor ,so i have to open  a killing floor map in order to get the stuff like kfdoormover , zombievolume etc. so i guess if i get that stuff it's in kf edit mode ?
What to do ?

Maybe you don't have the standard setup for the mod?  This is how it's setup for me, the standard:

In your c:\UT2004\KFMod20 directory should be KF Map Editor.bat  In that .bat file (.bat is a batch file that you can edit.  To edit, right click KF Map Editor.bat > edit.  Use notepad to edit)  Inside KF Map Editor.bat should be exactly this: ..\system\UnrealEd.exe -mod="KFMod20" -nogamma (i copy/pasted from my KF Map Editor.bat to here.  Also, I added -nogamma so the editor don't brighten my screen)

To get the KF editor working, double click on the KF Map Editor.bat