Annoiying players and their stuff :D  (Read 112875 times)


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #45 on: April 18, 2017, 11:48 »
Joining the club of "getting kicked out of the game by admin" for criticising spawnkillers like DcNR


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2017, 11:57 »
Hey Xan, I don't think he meant you. There IS another player by the name xxanaxx or something like that and he does play like a noob


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2017, 13:40 »
Hey Xan, I don't think he meant you. There IS another player by the name xxanaxx or something like that and he does play like a noob

Hmm we  didn't know that thx for the heads up

Dr Bazillus

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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2017, 15:03 »
Joining the club of "getting kicked out of the game by admin" for criticising spawnkillers like DcNR

Youre not the only one in this club.... He is such a spawnkilling winjoiner/-switcher... One Ctf match he switched three times to the winning team, again and again. like this masterpuppet...


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2017, 19:08 »

Spider Mine gun drops projectiles that are controlled by the computer, so basically it's just a sophisticated built-in-game aimbot. If you really need a help of computer then maybe return back to single player mode?

how about you quit whinning

I wish I could, but I love this server as much as I hate the cheaters who use the advantage of that computer-controlled weapon. Try playing for 1-2 days without spiders and you'll enjoy the real UT experience, as well as develop a sort of hatred towards "people" who still use them. You're a good player - do you really enjoy using such a cheap tricks to gain score/frags? It's a whole lot below your level m8


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2017, 23:59 »
right. because there's no way to defeat spider mines. and i better not catch you ever using the AVRIL.

Dr Bazillus

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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #51 on: July 21, 2017, 08:10 »
Spider Mine gun drops projectiles that are controlled by the computer, so basically it's just a sophisticated built-in-game aimbot. If you really need a help of computer then maybe return back to single player mode?
quote by mleko.

Sorry but you say spidermines are nothing better than aimbotts? The avril can be computer controlled, too or want you shoot with avril without computer help. By it´s auto-target acquisition.

I wish I could, but I love this server as much as I hate the cheaters who use the advantage of that computer-controlled weapon. Try playing for 1-2 days without spiders and you'll enjoy the real UT experience, as well as develop a sort of hatred towards "people" who still use them. You're a good player - do you really enjoy using such a cheap tricks to gain score/frags?
quote by mleko.

I play on other servers often without mines, but they are not the only Problem, then the players are nagging about someother weapon. Your recognize the pattern? At the end its not the only weapon with computerised support. grenades explode automatically if you die. The deemer does that, too ect.....
One Weapon out of game cause you cant like it?

Would be a bit an overreaction.....

For example Miasma could make one Day without mines on their server then you see if they are overrated or a useful help.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 08:15 by Dr Bazillus »

Dr Bazillus

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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #52 on: July 21, 2017, 08:11 »
right. because there's no way to defeat spider mines. and i better not catch you ever using the AVRIL.
You can shoot mines with nearly every other weapon and after all you still got a shieldgun...... So there IS a way to defeat mines. If nothing helps use a deemer. ;)


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #53 on: July 21, 2017, 13:32 »
right. because there's no way to defeat spider mines. and i better not catch you ever using the AVRIL.
I haven't said that there's no way to destroy them, because there are many ways to do so - that's not the point.
If I remember well, to hit the target with AVRIL you still have to aim with crosshair on it, so still it's more effort than dropping this cr*p and waiting for free frags.

Sorry but you say spidermines are nothing better than aimbotts? The avril can be computer controlled, too or want you shoot with avril without computer help. By it´s auto-target acquisition.
Well, they are better, because they can attack multiple targets at once. As I mentioned above, AVRIL is semi-auto targeting - if you stop aiming or switch to other weapon its rockets wont hit the target. Also AVRIL works that way only on vehicles, meanwhile spiders auto-target everything.

I play on other servers often without mines
Then good for you. I've been playing without them on Miasma since always (that is 500+ hours), so?

the players are nagging about someother weapon. Your recognize the pattern?
I have no idea why some players complain about other weapons (maybe because their lack of skills to use them?), but I complain about spiders, because they work completely different from other weapons avaliable in game.

At the end its not the only weapon with computerised support. grenades explode automatically if you die. The deemer does that, too ect.....
One Weapon out of game cause you cant like it?
That could be a valid point, but... In order to blow up grenades or deemer projectile you either have to destroy them, kill its user or let player to trigger explosion manually. Grenades don't blow up on their own.
Spiders are cool... in their own way. I just think that they have a negative impact on multiplayer game experience for the reasons I've mentioned in earlier posts. They may be useful in defence, but.. This is what teammates are for, right?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 13:34 by mleko »


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #54 on: July 21, 2017, 14:02 »
I understand that administration may not do anything about it, so at least I'll try to convince players to use less spiders or even abandon them totally. The game becomes a lot harder, but also more satisfying and enjoyable.


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #55 on: July 21, 2017, 14:46 »
new UT goals: kill mleko via spider mines as many times as i can  :'(


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #56 on: July 22, 2017, 05:34 »
For example Miasma could make one Day without mines on their server then you see if they are overrated or a useful help.
By the way, there were sometimes when spiders were off. CTF ended much faster. I think it's a good idea to have 1 day in a week without spiders.

new UT goals: kill mleko via spider mines as many times as i can  :'(

Dr Bazillus

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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #57 on: July 22, 2017, 07:06 »
quote mieko:
That could be a valid point, but... In order to blow up grenades or deemer projectile you either have to destroy them, kill its user or let player to trigger explosion manually. Grenades don't blow up on their own.

Sorry but grenades do explode allone if you die..... but I understand all your points and it would maybe really cool to have one or two days in week off spiders.... maybe raj thinks so too?


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2017, 11:04 »
I'm not a fan of spiders. I'd prefer them to be removed entirely and the cap count increased


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Re: Annoiying players and their stuff :D
« Reply #59 on: August 19, 2017, 02:02 »
I'm not a fan of spiders. I'd prefer them to be removed entirely and the cap count increased

I have seen how other players take the flag without any problem. Spiders may be a real headache, but they put a little more difficulty into the game. Sometimes I spec some miasma members and they take the flag with or without spiders inside the base. They take strategies to "clean the base" and while they are taking the flag they use the spiders to prevent the entry of the opposing team. I see two options: 1) remove the spiders from the entire game (then what?  complain that the weapons fire faster than the conventional game) 2) who does not like the server can look for another :) well, this is My opinion and I hope I have not offended anyone :) Greetings.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 02:04 by Rack! »