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ONS & VCTF suggestions.

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Hey all. I made this thread to suggest some ideas or features that would be fun for all in ONS and (maybe) VCTF. They're basically mutators and one level modification that can be made (with another mutator). Here we go.

1. Enable adrenaline mutator: This mutator activates adrenaline in other gametypes that don't allow its use, I've been using it and I think this add-on makes ONS pretty much enjoyable, it would be a good complement to learn tricks and do more stuff. It'as accurate, the amount of pills you get taking down a node alone by yourself are five. It was created by Wormbo and you can download it here:

2. Bonus combos: Ok, this could be easily added but in this case not because it's a demo server. I'm not sure about this one because this mutator is bundled with UT2004. It adds the Pint Sized  and Camouflaged adrenaline combos. It's fun and you can enable it perfectly in the game but I was wondering how to extract them (maybe compile classes and make two separated mutators) to use them in the demo version of the server. It's sad because they would be really fun to use in VCTF or maybe ONS but I don't have the experience compiling or making mutators, I've been learning about and trying to create a MiniMe (pint sized) mutator but probably I'll get some errors. After all, It'd be a nice feature if this can be added.
Here's more information:

3.  Colored Death Messages: This mutator displays team-colored player names in death messages. Just a detail. Also created by Wormbo.

4. Christmas Decoration: This would be nice to use in Christmas, I can't remember but I think I saw this on the server last year, anyway, I post some pics (it works for Torlan and Primeval).

5. Double damage pickup: A level modification for FaceClassic. In VCTF we practically don't use the double damage because we can't take the item (except when some admin enables the low grav), so I'd like to know if it's possible to have a double damage pickup somewhere in the map. I made this with the Content Mania mutator for example:

Other suggestions (maybe impossible ones) would be a redeemer for Primeval, it would be useful for the losing team (on the top of some tree for example) or the use of the Ion Painter. A solution against spawnkillers would be floor sentinels to defend nodes or cores in ONS (the ones that appear in Convoy). I know that they're designed to work in Assault but I've been trying to use them correctly in ONS for both teams (second round paradox). 
I know maybe I'm requesting too much but they're pretty easy to add and I'm open to help with the difficult ones because I also want to learn more about the UCC. I'd like to know what do you all think about them.

Finally a video to show all this content, it's an old game but still rocks.

france 1998:
Hi Halsey
 I find your idea great especially the idea of chritmes
Must see with Mia Raj if he agrees  :-\

I hope so, thank you for your opinion France!

Once I had little raptor on VCTF, that was very cool.

I don't think so many mutators can work on a demo server


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