configurate UT  (Read 23364 times)


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configurate UT
« on: April 23, 2017, 06:29 »
Hi to everyone

I have a question, how can I attach a key to a weapon? For example, if I press  'W' the shield appears, without mouse scroll.

When I played UT in 2004 I remember that I used a comand to open a window to configurate the weapons . I hope to make myself understood.  O:-)

france 1998

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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2017, 13:40 »
I'm sorry I do not understand too much that you want to say give me more detail
by France the best


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2017, 17:56 »
Escape. Settings. Input. Configure Keyboard....
Hopefully that's right,doing it from memory. I can check tonight.


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2017, 01:27 »
*******Credits to jefejefejefe on gametracker Forum. Post slightly edited for current situation instead Invasion Mod*********


Many commands can be activated simply by typing them into the console. The default console key on American keyboards is tilde "~". Keybinds are even more convenient, so you only need to press a key to execute a command. In fact, some RPG specific commands will only work with keybinds.

You can bind most keys in-game by opening the console and typing set input <name of key> <command>
For example, to bind toss artifact to the key "," you would type set input comma tossartifact

You can set commands while not in-game by editing your User.ini file located in UT2004/System. This file can be edited with notepad, or more advanced text editors, like Notepad++. Important: Exit UT2004 or Unreal Editor before saving any edits to your ini files; both save ini files while shutting down, which will override your changes. It is recommended that you back up any ini files that you edit manually - just copy it and give it a new name like User_old.ini.

The same command saved in your ini file would look like:

You can also chain commands by using a vertical line "|" (Shift + the backslash key.) For example, to quickly use your shield:
MiddleMouse=SwitchWeapon 1 | AltFire | Onrelease SwitchToLastWeapon

Weapons Command list:
getweapon AssaultRifle --- Assault Rifle
getweapon BioRifle --- Bio Rifle
getweapon SniperRifle --- Sniper Rifle
getweapon FlakCannon --- Flak Cannon
getweapon LinkGun --- Link Gun
getweapon Minigun --- Minigun
getweapon OnsAvril --- AVRiL
getweapon Grenade --- Grenade Launcher
getweapon OnsMineLayer --- Mine Layer
getweapon Painter --- Ion Painter
getweapon OnslaughtFull.OnsPainter --- Target Painter
getweapon Redeemer --- Redeemer
getweapon RocketLauncher --- Rocket Launcher
getweapon ShieldGun --- Shield Gun
getweapon ShockRifle --- Shock Rifle
getweapon SniperRifle --- Lightning Gun
getweapon SuperShockRifle --- Instagib Super Shock Rifle
SwitchWeapon 10 --- Translocator

Some General UT2004 commands:
Toggle bDuck - to toggle crouching
Toggle bfire - to autofire primary fire
Toggle bAltfire - to autofire secondary fire
Stat fps - shows Frames Per Second counter
Stat net - shows network data
Stat all - shows all kinds of data
Stat none - removes all stat counters from screen
SwitchWeapon - Switches to the selected weapon.
SwitchToLastWeapon - Switches to the previously selected weapon
PipedSwitchWeapon - allows you to have several weapons bound to one key. The first weapon in sequence will be selected if you currently have it, then the next, and so on. Examples: PipedSwitchWeapon 7 | PipedSwitchWeapon 8 | PipedSwitchWeapon 6 which will select flak, rockets, or mini (in that order) or PipedSwitchWeapon 9 | SwitchToLastWeapon which selects the LG or switches to the previous weapon.
SwitchToBestWeapon - Switches to the weapon highest in your weapon priorty list in your user.ini
playvehiclehorn 0 - Normal horn sound
playvehiclehorn 1 - Alternate horn sound
randomtaunt - causes your character to use a random taunt animation
Teamsay - Text appears to team members.
SpeechMenuToggle - Taunt and orders menu.
Say - Text appears to all players.
Suicide - Kill yourself.
ChangeCharacter - Change to another skin. For example, ChangeCharacter Jakob (You must respawn for it to take effect.)
SetName - Change to a different name.

Weapon List:
SwitchWeapon 0 =Redeemer / Painter / Ion
SwitchWeapon 1 =Shield
SwitchWeapon 2 =Assault
SwitchWeapon 3 =Bio
SwitchWeapon 4 =Shock
SwitchWeapon 5 =Link
SwitchWeapon 6 =Mini
SwitchWeapon 7 =Flak / Grenade Launcher
SwitchWeapon 8 =Arvil / Rocket Launcher
SwitchWeapon 9 =Lightning / Sniper
SwitchWeapon 10 =Translocator

*******Credits to jefejefejefe on gametracker Forum. Post slightly edited for current situation instead Invasion Mod*********


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2017, 04:56 »
Escape. Settings. Input. Configure Keyboard....
Hopefully that's right,doing it from memory. I can check tonight.

Thanks, I Will wait  :)


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2017, 05:08 »
I'm sorry I do not understand too much that you want to say give me more detail

For example,  if You are playing And you need use the linkin gun,  You will use the scroll to change the weapon, but there is another option... You can press a letter, for example 'W', And it will change the weapon.


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2017, 05:13 »
*******Credits to jefejefejefe on gametracker Forum. Post slightly edited for current situation instead Invasion Mod*********


Many commands can be activated simply by typing them into the console. The default console key on American keyboards is tilde "~". Keybinds are even more convenient, so you only need to press a key to execute a command. In fact, some RPG specific commands will only work with keybinds.

You can bind most keys in-game by opening the console and typing set input <name of key> <command>
For example, to bind toss artifact to the key "," you would type set input comma tossartifact

You can set commands while not in-game by editing your User.ini file located in UT2004/System. This file can be edited with notepad, or more advanced text editors...

Thank you very much, I will try And I Will post the results 8) :)


Re: configurate UT
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2017, 13:09 »
Hi, I don't play the game anymore but what you're looking for are keybinds, I used to use them for messages (Node), taunts (attack the base/animations)and horns. However, you can set up whatever command you want.
These are some bookmarks I saved back then whose contain useful tips about game optimization, keybinds and if you're interested, aliasses (tasks like turning off the music). If you remember some players dropping the flag without dying the command is 'dropflag'.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 15:36 by Halsey »


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2017, 21:34 »
*******Credits to jefejefejefe on gametracker Forum. Post slightly edited for current situation instead Invasion Mod*********


Many commands can be activated simply by typing them into the console. The default console key on American keyboards is tilde "~". Keybinds are even more convenient, so you only need to press a key to execute a command. In fact, some RPG specific commands will only work with keybinds.

You can bind most keys in-game by opening the console and typing set input <name of key> <command>
For example, to bind toss artifact to the key "," you would type set input comma tossartifact

You can set commands while not in-game by editing your User.ini file located in UT2004/System. This file can be edited with notepad, or more advanced text editors...

Thank you very much, I will try And I Will post the results 8) :)

It works :) thanks  8)


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2017, 21:34 »
Hi, I don't play the game anymore but what you're looking for are keybinds, I used to use them for messages (Node), taunts (attack the base/animations)and horns. However, you can set up whatever command you want.
These are some bookmarks I saved back then whose contain useful tips about game optimization, keybinds and if you're interested, aliasses (tasks like turning off the music). If you remember some players dropping the flag without dying the command is 'dropflag'.

why you don't play anymore??  :o


Re: configurate UT
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2017, 16:17 »
University and less time in general, gonna return eventually but not for now. Leisure time.


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Re: configurate UT
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2017, 08:55 »
Leisure time is best time
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.