*******Credits to
jefejefejefe on gametracker Forum. Post slightly edited for current situation instead Invasion Mod*********
KEYBIND GUIDEMany commands can be activated simply by typing them into the console. The default console key on American keyboards is tilde "
~". Keybinds are even more convenient, so you only need to press a key to execute a command. In fact, some RPG specific commands will only work with keybinds.
You can bind most keys in-game by opening the console and typing set input
<name of key> <command>For example, to bind toss artifact to the key "
," you would type
set input comma tossartifact You can set commands while not in-game by editing your User.ini file located in UT2004/System. This file can be edited with notepad, or more advanced text editors, like
Notepad++. Important: Exit UT2004 or Unreal Editor before saving any edits to your ini files; both save ini files while shutting down, which will override your changes. It is recommended that you back up any ini files that you edit manually - just copy it and give it a new name like User_old.ini.
The same command saved in your ini file would look like:
Comma=tossartifactYou can also chain commands by using a vertical line "
|" (Shift + the backslash key.) For example, to quickly use your shield:
MiddleMouse=SwitchWeapon 1 | AltFire | Onrelease SwitchToLastWeaponWeapons Command list:getweapon AssaultRifle --- Assault Rifle
getweapon BioRifle --- Bio Rifle
getweapon SniperRifle --- Sniper Rifle
getweapon FlakCannon --- Flak Cannon
getweapon LinkGun --- Link Gun
getweapon Minigun --- Minigun
getweapon OnsAvril --- AVRiL
getweapon Grenade --- Grenade Launcher
getweapon OnsMineLayer --- Mine Layer
getweapon Painter --- Ion Painter
getweapon OnslaughtFull.OnsPainter --- Target Painter
getweapon Redeemer --- Redeemer
getweapon RocketLauncher --- Rocket Launcher
getweapon ShieldGun --- Shield Gun
getweapon ShockRifle --- Shock Rifle
getweapon SniperRifle --- Lightning Gun
getweapon SuperShockRifle --- Instagib Super Shock Rifle
SwitchWeapon 10 --- Translocator
Some General UT2004 commands:Toggle bDuck - to toggle crouching
Toggle bfire - to autofire primary fire
Toggle bAltfire - to autofire secondary fire
Stat fps - shows Frames Per Second counter
Stat net - shows network data
Stat all - shows all kinds of data
Stat none - removes all stat counters from screen
SwitchWeapon - Switches to the selected weapon.
SwitchToLastWeapon - Switches to the previously selected weapon
PipedSwitchWeapon - allows you to have several weapons bound to one key. The first weapon in sequence will be selected if you currently have it, then the next, and so on. Examples:
PipedSwitchWeapon 7 | PipedSwitchWeapon 8 | PipedSwitchWeapon 6 which will select flak, rockets, or mini (in that order) or
PipedSwitchWeapon 9 | SwitchToLastWeapon which selects the LG or switches to the previous weapon.
SwitchToBestWeapon - Switches to the weapon highest in your weapon priorty list in your user.ini
playvehiclehorn 0 - Normal horn sound
playvehiclehorn 1 - Alternate horn sound
randomtaunt - causes your character to use a random taunt animation
Teamsay - Text appears to team members.
SpeechMenuToggle - Taunt and orders menu.
Say - Text appears to all players.
Suicide - Kill yourself.
ChangeCharacter - Change to another skin. For example, ChangeCharacter Jakob (You must respawn for it to take effect.)
SetName - Change to a different name.
Weapon List:SwitchWeapon 0 =Redeemer / Painter / Ion
SwitchWeapon 1 =Shield
SwitchWeapon 2 =Assault
SwitchWeapon 3 =Bio
SwitchWeapon 4 =Shock
SwitchWeapon 5 =Link
SwitchWeapon 6 =Mini
SwitchWeapon 7 =Flak / Grenade Launcher
SwitchWeapon 8 =Arvil / Rocket Launcher
SwitchWeapon 9 =Lightning / Sniper
SwitchWeapon 10 =Translocator
*******Credits to
jefejefejefe on gametracker Forum. Post slightly edited for current situation instead Invasion Mod*********