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Remembering... (
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Junior Member
Posts: 25
May 03, 2017, 15:37 »
I created this post in order to try to share with you what UT2004 was in the year that the game was launched, from my experience. The year that UT was released I downloaded a simple DEMO V334 to prove it and I must say that I was surprised with the style of game that this had. At that time I had a group of 4 friends, which we got addicted to UT. We played all night, after school, our free time, etc ... those were incredible times, we played on all maps and we liked to challenge other groups in each of the maps hahaha sometimes we were doing well and sometimes not so good. We communicated with XFIRE because that way we did not have LAG. Over time we were making friends from different countries.
On the map that I'm used to playing is in the DEATHMATCH and "TEAM DEATHMATCH" ... on those maps we used to play with my friends. I remember that in those times there were players that I never saw them lose. For example, there was a person named CHINA but all the players ended up calling CHINA KING OF THE COMBOS because he used no weapon other than the rifle, but he had other qualities such as agility to dodge attacks, almost did not fail Shots and he managed the right height to shoot and do the most damage. Another person who always had his server on-line was DOOM, he only played 1vrs 1 DEATHMATCH and I must say he was like a ghost on the map ... I met excellent players at that time but almost nobody could shoot him, I never knew Someone who managed to kill him once out of a tournament, since in the tournaments registered real good people in the game.
I know it sounds hard to believe, but it's true. DOOM handled things like the times of the appearance of the shields, knew the sounds of the map (he made no noise when he moved through the map, clarified), used rocket, minigun, shock, lighting in a unique way. I understand it was one of the best UT tournament level. Another person I met was PHANTOM, did not have the DOOM level but was not someone easy to kill.
And so I met many people along the way. After a while we created a clan with my friends and I must say it was fun. We got to have 15 people in the clan and it was kind of crazy when it was some tournament or something. Eventually we stopped playing UT2004 and thought the game was forgotten. One detail that I needed to mention, in those days it was fashionable to color the names of the players, for example mine had a combination of red, yellow and blue haha. Well, resuming the subject, since that last time I stopped playing UT until the date that I enter to play in the server of miasma and I did not know anything about those players, I think now they were only a memory of the times in the That UT was a BOOM in the games.
Now that I play in miasma I realize that there are excellent players, the only thing I have had to adapt to maps that were not my style and this is added every year I stop playing. The truth is that I am happy to see that UT2004 is still standing.
I know I can bore more than someone, but I just wanted to express a small part of what UT was in 2004. Thanks for passing and reading
PS: do not think that we played without rules, in deathmatch only three shots could be made with the rocket and flag. After 3 shots we had to switch to another weapon. With the other weapons they could be fired as often as they wanted. This is only 1 of all the rules you had. Have a nice day
Greetings Rack!
Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 15:40 by Rack!
Full Member
Posts: 54
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Re: Remembering...
Reply #1 on:
May 27, 2017, 17:33 »
Very nice to read this. I think I got UT04 from a friend in 2006, but I had no internet so i replayed singeplayer tournament for as long as I can rememeber. Then after aprox ten years, I bought the game on steam and came to miasma and am experiencing another youth
Posts: 1274
Re: Remembering...
Reply #2 on:
May 27, 2017, 18:25 »
A nostalgia topic, cool.
I found this UT2004 in around 2007, when I first got internet access (I grew up in the middle of nowhere). It was the first multiplayer game I had ever played, my first map was Primeval. It was like MSN, but with guns and vehicles, it blew my mind. I've always been really lonely so it gave me some much needed human interaction. I played it almost every day back then, with that and studying I barely got any sleep. I loved it, I was addicted. Sadly it was the year CoD4 came out, almost everyone I knew just moved on to that and other games.
My relationship with UT2004 isn't that intense anymore, but I am a loyal person, no other game has been able to get my interest.
Dr Bazillus
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Posts: 63
Re: Remembering...
Reply #3 on:
June 02, 2017, 10:29 »
Nice topic, indeed.
many years ago, my brother gave me the origin unreal99 as a gift and I enjoyed playing never so much than this times.
Unfortanetly I had at this time no access to the internet. Then, about 2005, I viewed the origin game ut2004 on ebay.
Now I`am just lucky to have an access to the world, their thoughts and wonderful "neighbours"
Posts: 11
Re: Remembering...
Reply #4 on:
March 01, 2018, 02:27 »
In the year 2000, I bought audio equipment with speakers for my computer and had 4 games as a gift. One of them was Unreal Tournament. The first version At first I did not like it because it was too gore. There was a piece of meat with an eye when you killed someone with a missile. Eventually I got used to playing it and got a rag near the computer to remove the blood. Then I got the UT2003 and the UT2004 a year later; however, I discovered how until 2010 I could play it online. Now I worry that it will not work with the new versions of Windows 10 and beyond.
Sr. Member
Posts: 214
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Re: Remembering...
Reply #5 on:
March 01, 2018, 13:20 »
relax Xanath, if it could run in Lynux, no windows should be a problem, de por dios mi gûero!
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