On playing fairly  (Read 14682 times)


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On playing fairly
« on: July 29, 2017, 16:49 »
I've been playing UT since it first came out, in the late 90s. I've never used an aimbot.

I really enjoy UT, and the Miasma server has a combination of uptime, ping, mods, and players, that I really appreciate.

There are some game tactics that I find cheesy, and some I actively try to discourage through kickvoting.

Things I kickvote for:
1) Putting your own team's tank in the base. For me, that pretty much ruins the game. If you capture the other team's tank, by all means park it in your base. Getting your own tank into the enemy base is also fair play, in my opinion.
2) Capturing the enemy raptor, then flying it out of range of fire. The only ways to get it back are to fly a redeemer way out and hope to detonate it near the raptor, or capture the enemy's raptor and get your own back. Either way, flying it out of firing range is super-annoying and used to be a banning offense on Miasma. I wish it were again.

Things I find really annoying, but fair:
1) Portal blocking with the raptor. This used to be against the Miasma rules, but isn't anymore. There are ways around this, though, from shield-gunning through the portal and stealing or damaging the raptor, redeeming it, and using the hellbender's secondary fire.
2) Spawn killing. Some people are really good with the manta, and it's annoying as hell :-), but fair.
3) Hiding in bushes or other somewhat hidden spots and using the pistol to keep an enemy node from being built. Annoying, but completely fair.

Hugs recently has been accusing me of botting, and I've been surprised at how much that's bothered me. I've never botted. A long time ago, I got banned from the NDSCS server (anyone remember Facing Pyramids?) because, with practice, I got good enough to frag people with the translocator.

A few years ago, I was seriously annoyed by some people who I thought were botting with the bender's third position gun, but it turns out they were just really good. Same with the turret. So I put the time in to get better at those weapons.

The day that Hugs thought I was botting, I was in the turret at one of the corner nodes in Torlan, and Hugs and two or three other players kept grabbing a vehicle at their base, and coming straight down the alley towards me. After a while of this, I put 95% of my attention there, so as soon as a manta, scorpion, hellbender, or raptor appeared, I was ready and nailed them. Repeatedly. I was on fire, and it was a good day.

Until Hugs decided that I couldn't possibly be "that good" and accused me of botting. It's not true, and it's never been true. I like UT and playing fairly too much to even consider it.

Hugs, I don't expect an apology, but just know that I don't bot.


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Re: On playing fairly
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2017, 12:26 »
Don't worry about it. I get accused of botting several times most weeks. I take it as a compliment that I'm on good form when it happens.  What the accusers don't realise is that on a good DM/TAM/CTF server I'm lucky to be a mid-score player...and there are people on those servers who are most definitely not botting who feel to me to be as far better than me than I am to "Player" trying out the demo....

"Hiding in bushes or other somewhat hidden spots and using the pistol to keep an enemy node from being built" - to me that's fine for a little while, but there are players like "blacks" who know every obscure place to do this from on Torlan and will do this for hours on end. It spoils the game. It's really easy to do and it's pointless. You can't win by doing it and it eventually drives people off the server in boredom of the stalemate.  Some gametypes have anti-camper code built in - e.g. TAM  & Freon where if you camp you get incremental health penalties for doing it.


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Re: On playing fairly
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2017, 15:39 »
Doesn't seem pointless. Today we couldn't build nodes and we were on the edge to win in overtime with stronger team. Its great tactic in overtime when you have more core "health".
Players must act smarter. Not just try to build node, go and kill such campers. It's first of all work for raptor and manta. I got this Blacks in closest to enemy's base node and spawnkilled him there while team could build node.


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Re: On playing fairly
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2017, 11:48 »
>On playing fairly

So I guess that playing in a team that outnumbers opponents is also fair? XD