KF-Haunted HouseSE -UT map modified for KF2.51 TheMiasma  (Read 14052 times)


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Revision with changes - the map darkened and some doors added.

Had an email from original mapmaker: "It's totally cool if you used it for KF mod.
I will have to check it out. I must add that some of the meshes I used in that map were from author Angelheart.
He said it was totally cool for me to use in my map.
I think most of the meshes I used from him were from the map
Thanks for the compliments,"
keep up the good work on your mod

I think that's a message to everyone.  I don't always have ppls emails or contacts so it's good when I can ask them.

Still hoping the map kills you!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 16:23 by Snipe34 »


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    • poompoom500
    • poompoom500
Re: KF-Haunted HouseSE -UT map modified for KF2.51 TheMiasma
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2010, 19:14 »
 8) To Snipe34,

I just downloaded your map. Will try it out. I'll get back to you. Nice to see someone doing more maps!

P.S. Okay. I tried the map and here are a few of the things I found needed revisions. Overall lighting can be lowered. You can change time of day to nighttime. Same with inside of mansion. Also, place a few more random ammo and weapons outside. And can you add more zombies point area. Use teleporter system. Makes it more challenging. And maybe add an apparition that flies around like the one at KF-Gothic.

P.S.S. (DATE: April 30, 2010)

Revised the map again. Got the doors in place BUT they do not open! I made a few changes to the map but am not finished. The revised KF-HauntedMansion map is now finished -- http://www.filefront.com/16319983/KF-HauntedMansion-Revised.zip/. I made changes on player start location. Have them start at bottom, in cave. Then placed doors to exits/entrances that opens when wave ends. Borrowed idea from KF-OldTower. It's a quarter of a ways done. You can play the map. Zombies are added. And weapons.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 01:38 by poompoom500 »