people playing freon for different reasons and with different objectives,.
I don't know the answer on if it could (or should) be better and some you can just say is 'personal style'
if this is a btching thread,. what does my head in is players who just rush in every time and 1/2 the round is spent thawing them,. ok we'll all die and some games it happens more often but if the k/d ratio is consistently really not great across multiple games it's not great
and I don't even mean players who are just bad,. that I understand,. it's fine,. it's the players who can score 100 a match and rush every round to their deaths,. like they are indestructible,.
on general decisions,. I find the radar thing top left (plus radar rocks!) so useful,. not only to find some frozen teammate but you can also see where players are when alive to give some sense if they are being attacked and likely to die soon and also to get some sense of whether a particular direction is more or less likely to be safe to proceed, it's not just about the frozen (for me)