Let's see your battlestations  (Read 124395 times)


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Re: Let's see your battlestations
« Reply #75 on: March 04, 2025, 21:49 »
MSI known for being lower end spectrum of computer hardware; surprised you have not come across Ilyama; highly rated in corporate circles for general graphics applications and gaming (sturdy; I have had 5 of these; 2 at home (gaming mainly) and 3 at my last place of work for general computing and spcialised graphics applications. Sorry, but I would never have gone down the MSI route for any of the uses :)

At the end of the day; all is down to personal preference and finding what is best for you!


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Re: Let's see your battlestations
« Reply #76 on: March 06, 2025, 21:33 »
Aye cheers plassy, my dad had an MSI mobo once - had no end of issues with it - hence I only do Asus these days - always reliable and drivers are easy to find :)
Aye my missus has a black hawk edition one only 75hz but is better than my 144hz!
Good point I agree with you, don't do MSI! I bought a Cyrix 333 pentium equivalent once - biggest waste of money I ever tried to save!!

Aye true, but it's always good to have some reviews from people you know or associate with online - you know they are not a bot :D