Mouse latency and mouse buying guide  (Read 24287 times)


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Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« on: March 02, 2020, 08:37 »
This is something interesting that everyone should know before buying a new mouse.

Expensive mouse, or 1000Hz usb polling rate, does not always translate to 1ms of input lag/latency.

My old cheap mouse(no-name 10$ mouse 1000Hz) had really high latency and it was really inconsistent, probably more than 50ms sometimes, or skipping shots, which made me think often that my connection was laggy or the server lagged.

Different mice have different click latencies and some of them have >10, even as high as 30ms while some others are inconsistent.

You shoot and the shot comes after some delay which makes you go "I F***NG SHOT YOU, LAGGGGG HAX CHEAT"

Some guy over at is comparing different mice by bumping them together with a Steelseries Ikari and measuring if there's any delay between them.

He has compiled all the different latencies in one google spreadsheet.

I own the Logitech G102/G203 prodigy, which has ~4.5ms click latency compared to the baseline and im pretty happy with it.

Latency differences below 10ms might not be noticeable to you, but depending on server tickrate and your ping to the server, it could be the difference between a dud, a miss, or a headshot.

For example 144Hz is 7ms between frames, with 7ms click latency your shots are one frame behind, 14ms and you have 2 frames. You are no longer reacting to what you're seeing, you're just making predictions.

But 10ms here, 20ms there...those can add up, from your display latency, reflex to click, and then network lag, the goal is to minimise each as much as you can, so the only variable is your reflexes.

You can check the thread here:

Look for your mouse below
Google Spreadsheet
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 08:51 by holyspam »


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Re: Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2020, 10:15 »
woo 8ms doesn't sound too bad for me. very interesting stuff.
this still doesn't explain why I get 1/4 dpi at the start of a game tho, but I know you already tried to fix that and suggested changing the batteries :D
Sounds to me like some kind of software you have changes the dpi


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Re: Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2020, 11:19 »
They don't have the new Logitech MX518 with the Hero sensor in the list. I've got one of those to replace my ailing set of many-times-repaired old style MX518's...and it's absolutely brilliant. Highly recommended....unless you're playing Freon against me. In which case stick with any old mouse you like.


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Re: Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2020, 18:46 »
They don't have the new Logitech MX518 with the Hero sensor in the list. I've got one of those to replace my ailing set of many-times-repaired old style MX518's...and it's absolutely brilliant. Highly recommended....unless you're playing Freon against me. In which case stick with any old mouse you like.

I'm using it too, it's my 3rd mx518 and used g400s which is the same to me,  this mouse is the best i got but always got wire problem. I fixed one longtime ago but the cables are too tiny and was not easy. I gave up for the  next mouse rips i just change it. I got mx518 legendary since 5-6 month i can already see courbure on the wire 10cm away the mouse entry. Affraid about when the wire will rip.


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Re: Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2020, 19:10 »
You can buy just the cable including the connectors both ends.


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Re: Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2020, 21:00 »
This is very nice i see it only cost 5$, never heard that it was available.


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Re: Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2020, 19:40 »
You can buy just the cable including the connectors both ends.

I only own one working MX518 and have a broken one stored somewhere so having the cable as a backup might reduce my fear of breaking this one.  ;D


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Re: Mouse latency and mouse buying guide
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2020, 20:02 »
I also have mouse sensitivity issues at the start of a round or after alt-tabbing (really low sensitivity, then it gradually speeds up).

11.2ms behind the baseline for my Rival 500. Kinda what I figured, it's more of an MMO mouse with more features than performance points.
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.