That's such a long time ago. Trying to remember when I got broadband, 2004 or 5 I think. It was after that I discovered UT. Might have been playing Age of Mythology, that came out about then. I remember more about what computer hardware I had then (P4C o/c to 3.2, Geforce 4200Ti, customised low noise case that I still own) then what I played on it. I was one of the early members of the Titan UT2004 community
Two games, on two different systems, UT2004 on pc, and San Andreas on the ps2.
If everything is a dream, don't wake me up.
I was playing demos of Age of Empires 2, Homeworld and Mechwarrior 4 from those PC Gamer demo discs, because I was old enough to be able to but too young to actually buy games and stuff. I did actually have UT99 GOTY, because my dad bought it but never played it. I only played against bots, though.I didn't even play UT204 until around grade or so. My highschool had a laptop program so I had y own computer for once, and I was curious to see what the sequel to UT99 looked like.