Rage quitting saves life  (Read 82599 times)


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Rage quitting saves life
« on: August 07, 2020, 19:40 »
You can't kickvote or ban or a player for Rage Quitting.
You cant force a player to stay in game untill he has a stroke.
I have hypertension, I play only when I can help the team and if gets too hard I spectate.
I am not pro so me going spectate doesn't even influence balance.
People winjoin then,  when I go spectate cry because of autoswitch to weaker team and somehow I'm the problem.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2020, 22:41 »
Hypertension? And playing unreal tournament a fast paced first person shooter online, well that makes sense xd
And the point is if u can't help ur team its fine if u want to spec, but don't join winning team. Its not about pro player or anything, every player counts even a bot :)


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2020, 23:15 »
I never winjoin except at finish to vote next map and maybe when there's -1 player in the team i'm distributed. That's just he say/she say, theres no proof I winjoin as a strategy, just fake gossip. If you have video proof, post it.

You say if winning team has -1 player that I shouldn't join them just because they are ahead? Nobody does that, you want to play and there's a spot you join. Somehow I get kickvoted and reported because there's a little group of haters where one talks and the others reinforce it but have no problem playing with 2 admins in same team against myneox and sainthapp.

If even a bot counts then rage quitting it's compensated by bot so there's not problem. Maybe you should focus more on catching wall hackers and auto key binders users ... that would make it fair. Bring proof of what you say I do or leave me alone.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2020, 23:22 »
Atenolol, 1 single daily oral dose of 50 to 100 mg. Or some other 2nd generation beta blocker.
it's possible to associate with other anti hypertensive drugs


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2020, 01:00 »
I don't know what the intent is, or what's real and fake, but, it's gonna look weird to people if you join right near the end of a game, regardless of what your reason is.

I might recommend waiting until after the map switch to rejoin. Getting your one vote in probably isn't worth more than having people think you're trying to game the system.

Then again I don't think it's a huge deal either way, but this is a competitive game with a competitive community, so it has to be expected and either tolerated or mitigated. :))
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2020, 12:23 »
I don't know what the intent is, or what's real and fake, but, it's gonna look weird to people if you join right near the end of a game, regardless of what your reason is.

I might recommend waiting until after the map switch to rejoin. Getting your one vote in probably isn't worth more than having people think you're trying to game the system.

Then again I don't think it's a huge deal either way, but this is a competitive game with a competitive community, so it has to be expected and either tolerated or mitigated. :))

But if you join after map switch when teams are already set, it looks like winjoin in 50% cases.
If the team you are distrubuited  is packed with good players and has 1 spot free, you can't expect from a player to wait untill the other team has a spot to join. It would mean you have to wait for 2 players to join the better team so you can get a slot in the other and not be considered as winjoin.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 12:26 by HandsomeBob »


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2020, 23:31 »
Now that you understand what members of this community think, you should do everything within your capabilities to avoid being labeled a win-joiner. If that means not joining a winning team that is down one player, so be it.
I’m not sure what ‘gets too hard’ means to you but ‘when my team starts to lose’ is what it looks like to other players.
Again, I would suggest you avoid that appearance.

Everyone gets frustrated at times and quits when losing, we understand that.  We all get phone calls and drop suddenly, we understand that. If you have a pattern doing those items......
Consistency in that pattern is a problem.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2020, 10:09 »
I never winjoin except at finish to vote next map and maybe when there's -1 player in the team i'm distributed. That's just he say/she say, theres no proof I winjoin as a strategy, just fake gossip. If you have video proof, post it.

You say if winning team has -1 player that I shouldn't join them just because they are ahead? Nobody does that, you want to play and there's a spot you join. Somehow I get kickvoted and reported because there's a little group of haters where one talks and the others reinforce it but have no problem playing with 2 admins in same team against myneox and sainthapp.

If even a bot counts then rage quitting it's compensated by bot so there's not problem. Maybe you should focus more on catching wall hackers and auto key binders users ... that would make it fair. Bring proof of what you say I do or leave me alone.

u want Proof? really? and imo rage quitting means leaving the game, not go in spec and join strong team next round always...i dont know how and what else to say to make u understand...

« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 10:24 by Killer_XTREME!!! »


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2020, 11:23 »
Admins are buying in to his bullshit. He is lying in his posts. He picks the team he wants to play in from spec after match starts.
He just wants to be on winning team. He is saying so himself. He tries to be; every single time i see him online. As for his hypertension; its all nonsense. It has no connection here. The problem is his psyche. Also nobody is forcing him to play hard.

There was this one crippled player called AV-Bimmel who had only 1 working arm. He never tried to be on winning team. I myself have undiagnosed cardiovascular problem since 2012. Chest pain, heavy-ness in chest, my breathing goes shallow or stops completely when i try to sleep. Hence can barely get proper rest. Should i start behaving like Vlad ?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 11:36 by Joustin_Beaver »


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2020, 11:42 »
Admins are buying in to his bullshit.

You have no idea what discussions we have or what we're thinking.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2020, 12:05 »
His behaviour has went on too long.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2020, 13:50 »
I can't relate to those who only look at the team winning/losing as a factor of a good or bad match. My own performance (or lack thereof, more often) will affect how I feel about a particular match absolutely regardless of the total team score. Switching to the winning team when I'm doing pathetically in a game will not make me feel any better.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 13:52 by Annihilator »


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2020, 23:12 »
Win-joining is more complex problem here, I don't see any reason to point out only Vlad for what he have done...most warfare server players don't have balls to join and help losing team, in fact many regular players win-join very often and they don't face the consequences {ex. Duke, Gil - galad, iol, [bms] adler, or even Moi (yes, he does, sometimes, but still) and many many more}. Do they spoil the game? Yes. Have they been warned or punished ? No. So what's the deal ? 


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2020, 08:56 »
You know what hell says: Unless you RQ I cannot have a good laugh :P So, bring it on all you want, hell will chew you until you rq or decide to switch :P

On a serious note, I love tough fights and i know it sucks and I rage when others don't push a bit in a tough game but I guess that is the fun of it ;) You become stronger only when the others whoop your behinds a bit?

Hello and peace from hot south of France :D Will see you in 2 weeks ;)

« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 09:00 by hellfire »


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2020, 20:51 »
Joustin Beaver is right. I don' t have to force myself to play hard to win every time. I will just relax into spaming aroundand let my  teammates to assume the  tryhard and keeping score.