Rage quitting saves life  (Read 82628 times)


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2020, 23:15 »
Zeus.T32? Not sure I remember that one. Regardless seemed very good, as good as Dawkins/Thor? My perspective is somewhat diminished till I can relearn what my weapon keys are, think I reset them to what they were 10 years ago, just outta practise, maybe :)
(soz rambling)
GLHF all!


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2021, 10:17 »
[...]many regular players win-join very often and they don't face the consequences {ex. Duke, Gil - galad, iol, [bms] adler, or even Moi (yes, he does, sometimes, but still) and many many more}.

That's not a nice allegation, as i NEVER do it. As I (almost) never RQ either. I can't let you say this. I never choose which team I join. I do not loom lurking in spectator mode or the like to decide how to rig the match in my favor or to make it unfavorable to other players.
I join the team that that the server sends me to, winning or loosing, which I think is the fairest thing to do given the lack of team balancer.

I do not appreciate to be regularly wrongly brought into accusation and complaints that are not deserved and unfounded.

On a general context, just give the team you are playing with a FAIR and LOYAL and reasonably COMMITTED participation. If you won't do it, if your heart cannot do that, you also can choose to play Minecraft. Or just don't take it to the heart (hem) when the guys of the other side beat you and your team. Ease up your self-consciousness about loosing. Play for fun, not to compare dicks.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2021, 10:33 by Gil-galad[The REAL one] »
His sword was long, his lance was keen.
His shining helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

The Fall of Gil-galad - J. R. R. Tolkien


Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #47 on: May 18, 2021, 10:22 »


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #48 on: May 18, 2021, 13:48 »
Chill Gil, don't take it personally, as it wasn't my aim to insult you. Just keep in mind that even if you join the team that the server sends you to, many players, especially those who constantly complain about unbalanced teams (there are many on the warfare server...), take it as a winjoin attempt if the server sends you to winning team.
Compare the warfare players' attitude to the freon players' attitude. Generally freon players respect each other unlike warfare players. Most freon players play for fun, they don't complain about unbalanced teams unlike warfare players. Most freon players don't show their disappointment when they loose any match by insulting teammates, unlike many warfare players. I have never seen any toxic players while playing freon (Slayer is an exception :) ), whereas warfare server is stacked with toxic players. Some of them looks for attention and spam the chatbox during the match, some of them pick their team because they don't like somone on the opposite team, some of them winjoin because they want to do that, some of them insult each other after loosing the match, some of them...etc.
Not so long ago I've made a small test. I changed my style of playing and started to frag people instead of chasing the flag. I didn't have to wait long for feedback, 2 or 3 matches later some people started insulting and degrading me, and of course blaming me for loosing the match, even tho I had the highest score in the match. And of course, some players react badly when they see (PL) at the end of the nick, so they always have something to say about Poland and Poles. Draw a conclusion of this story.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #49 on: May 18, 2021, 15:15 »
Most freon players play for fun, they don't complain about unbalanced teams unlike warfare players.

Freon has a balancer which generally works OK - but not well enough for my liking. People moan about it all the time! There was a match yesterday where the teams were left just under 2 points per round average different and the balancer didn't fix it. I need to re-visit the code to add in some debug to find out why

When it's working well you get very even teams. That works well for Freon, but I do wonder if entirely balanced teams on vCTF would result in utter stalemate.


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Re: Rage quitting saves life
« Reply #50 on: May 18, 2021, 16:10 »

Not so long ago I've made a small test. I changed my style of playing and started to frag people instead of chasing the flag. I didn't have to wait long for feedback, 2 or 3 matches later some people started insulting and degrading me, and of course blaming me for loosing the match, even tho I had the highest score in the match. And of course, some players react badly when they see (PL) at the end of the nick, so they always have something to say about Poland and Poles. Draw a conclusion of this story.
someone insults you? wow  ???