Screenshot 1:
You dont need a jump-walldodge-jump to get up there. A simple double jump from the edge of the stairs is enough to get up there. I know many players use a jump-walldodge-jump on contrast at that corner (including myself), but this corner of the map already looks ugly af imo so Id rather not make it more ugly

Screenshot 2:
I like the 3rd idea of having a small tunnel that drops onto the amp. Gonna include that one. A hole for the lift was also on my mind and then speed up the lfit so you can lift jump to both of the upper floors. Instead of a tunnel that leads to the flag I had something else on my mind:
A 2nd stairs that leads from the 50a upper area to that dead end room. theres not much space left but it should work. Heres a bad sketch for better understanding what I mean

Screenshot 3&4&5:
The lamp has always been there. So it mustve been in the way in contrast already. but I can move it a little bit.
The pipe isnt exactly slippy". There used to be the platform above it but since theres no enough space for that I removed it and added a blocking volume above it (similar to the one next to the lift in windows room). The angle doesnt let you sit on top.
My suggestion (if any) is a small tunnel that leads to the bridge. See screenshot:

Here are other changes and fixes Ive already implemented for the next version:
Blocking for the Pipes added. Collision from the hanging lamp removed so you can jump throught it

Small slopes on the hole added so the transition from the lower flak room to flak room is much smoother and you dont have to jump twice

Platform extended a little bit so you can dodgejump from the chimney to the other side