DM-Goosetrast  (Read 48622 times)


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2021, 09:20 »

I've uploaded it as "beta2".

First thoughts: Nice! Much better flow.

The new banners stand out too much. I know you've put a lot of work into this but the map would be better without them.

The tunnel to the top area feels a bit too long. I was thinking of it coming out on top of the spokes - however where you have it can be reached from the jump-pad. The bricks above the entrance you have makes it a little hard to get in though.

The lift-jump to the top of goose - I find it hard to reach the platform opposite the chimney. Is there anything that can be done to help do that a little more reliably?

The drop to the DD is great - and opening up the lift really helps.

Looking forward to playing this with more people.


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2021, 13:02 »
@Mauzi: I dont see anything wrong with the already existing ambient sounds
The ZoneSoundEffect and ambient sounds are different things. Ambien sounds, as you know, are the things which makes "noise" on maps. ZoneSound in the ZoneInfo however will tell the game what type of room the zone info describes. So if it is a small alley, or a big opera. When it's set than it will help to locate other players via sounds like weapon fire and footsteps more precise. And the sounds will be a bit more realistic. So setting them will not mess with ambient sounds and only has positive affects. Especially for a DM-map.


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2021, 13:36 »
If not already done, zone names would be good too. Contrast doesn't have enough of them and it should have more


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2021, 17:40 »

I can tone down the text on the banners a bit. Right now Ive set it to almost unlit while the purple part is influenced by the lighting. Id prefer keeping the general idea though. I mean banners have already been there before, they were red.

Which tunnel do you mean? From Contrast shield to Goose bridge? The problem is that I dont want to add subtracts in the curved wall (outside bio area). Messing around with curved BSPs can cause bugs quick such as BSP holes or HOMs. If players complain then Ill try to see what I can do. You can also access it by doing a walldodge jump from either the tower or the wall near the lift.

Ive already sped up the lift a bit so its easier and I dont have trouble getting there. I can speed it up a little more in the next version though :)

Zones have names as I know this is extremly important for experienced thawers :P


Ive actually never heard of it or have seen any other mapper using that and Ive come a long way in the Unreal Editor, even winning a mapping contest back in 2009 when it was worth investing time into making maps :D After some testing I know why. It doesnt seem to have any effect. Ive set up two zones, one with underwater the other with stone room and the sound is exactly the same.
Currently playing as Kobe


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2021, 19:48 »

I've uploaded it as "beta2".


Looking forward to playing this with more people.

I'm wondering if that name will ever change.  >:D But I'm also looking forward to try it out, I already liked v1 a lot.

Zones have names as I know this is extremly important for experienced thawers :P

Make it dynamic: The area where the most frozen players are at is always named "Where Piglet is going to be soon". :))


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2021, 19:57 »
Nice gameplay, too. =)
You can also give Volumes location names, so you can put many volumes in the zones and name every meter for Piglet. =D
You could also put a jumppad on the wall midhight with some emitters

ZoneSoundEffect: It should be in all original maps. You probably have not the right hardware for 3D EAX-Sound than.


I can tone down the text on the banners a bit. Right now Ive set it to almost unlit while the purple part is influenced by the lighting. Id prefer keeping the general idea though. I mean banners have already been there before, they were red.

Which tunnel do you mean? From Contrast shield to Goose bridge? The problem is that I dont want to add subtracts in the curved wall (outside bio area). Messing around with curved BSPs can cause bugs quick such as BSP holes or HOMs. If players complain then Ill try to see what I can do. You can also access it by doing a walldodge jump from either the tower or the wall near the lift.

Ive already sped up the lift a bit so its easier and I dont have trouble getting there. I can speed it up a little more in the next version though :)

Zones have names as I know this is extremly important for experienced thawers :P


Ive actually never heard of it or have seen any other mapper using that and Ive come a long way in the Unreal Editor, even winning a mapping contest back in 2009 when it was worth investing time into making maps :D After some testing I know why. It doesnt seem to have any effect. Ive set up two zones, one with underwater the other with stone room and the sound is exactly the same.


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2021, 21:21 »
This has been bothering me because every time people die here, eventually the whole team dies/thaws here and you cant go around quickly.
Everyone can see each other because it's a wide area but it's also missing height so everyone jumps and spams until they die and get thawed and the circle of thaw->spam->thaw keeps going.

Here's what in my mind might be better, in order to have an option to go around, but also block some of the vision and split the area in 2, so it will be much riskier to attack or thaw there.

Block direct vision in the bottom area(between 1 and 2) and create different paths instead of an open area.
Allow vision from the Contrast-50A lift, all the way to the goosetrast large lift area. (from lift to 3)
Reduce the arch height to ~half or less...maybe convert it to a small corridor on the left like in goose.(exit from curved-goose to contrast-lifts)

I added some of the paths you can take around.

sorry for my drawing "skills"

p.s. open image in a new tab, it's larger than it looks! (c) 2021 - DK
« Last Edit: January 04, 2021, 21:41 by holyspam »


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2021, 23:50 »
Looks nice - good job dude :) Haven't played it yet, but a mash up of my 2 fave maps is a win in any book :D


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2021, 10:01 »
The main thing I've noticed with this version is that the Contrast parts don't seem to get used much. There's not a lot of reason to go there.

That tunnel does seem a bit long, and the banners.....the banners..... :(

I need more time to play it


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2021, 10:37 »
The main thing I've noticed with this version is that the Contrast parts don't seem to get used much. There's not a lot of reason to go there.

That tunnel does seem a bit long, and the banners.....the banners..... :(

I need more time to play it

Maybe something like this could help? This part of contrast is missing.


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2021, 17:43 »
I love the banners,. the original goose has them and landlords goose extended has them in bright blue,. keep them (even if they do get toned down)

the trast parts not getting the same love,. here's a random idea,. look at the lighting and colour tones in goose,. it's "happier" and warmer palette,. it makes trast (in contrast - ha) look drab and uninviting,. not suggesting to change but wonder if that's some of the reason

more probably though people are looking for other players to shoot and that's choke points and around larger areas,. which are mostly on the goose side (I don't think that's a bad thing)


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2021, 18:50 »
I`m with Hagis. The banners are fine, maybe a bit bright, or a bit to violet.
He`s also right with the lightning where the transition between the parts could be a bit smoother.
And you can go on the open parts maybe a bit to high, as well as there are parts from the other map visible when you standing on the upper levels. (In the pic I don`t stand there, but you can see them from the ground partly, too.


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2021, 22:38 »
The main thing I've noticed with this version is that the Contrast parts don't seem to get used much. There's not a lot of reason to go there.

That tunnel does seem a bit long, and the banners.....the banners..... :(

I need more time to play it

I think its a fair share. I know that almost the entire map of Goose is included while Contrast has about 50-60% of its map in this. I also think that the Contrast part is being visited enough. The 50a/Windows room is basically Contrasts Windows Room but with a different ceiling and along with Gooses outside area its where most action takes place. I know what you mean though that nobody is going to the dead end of Contrast which in my opinion has nothing to do with the way contrast looks but simply because its a dead end @hagis

The tunnel was in my opinion the best way to implement it. Yes its longer than all other tunnels, but Ive also seen even longer tunnels in other frequently played maps. Theres one map I cant remember the name of. It looks a bit like Under_LE. There are insanely long tunnels in there too and I havent seen anyone complain about those.

The banners are fine in my opinion. When Goose[L] was played the other day I noticed how disturbing those bright blue banners were. I think my version is more subtle than those. Even then red ones from the original Goose are probably more eye-catching than mine but we all got used to them.

Maybe something like this could help? This part of contrast is missing.

Copying two parts together is one thing but merging them so it plays smoothly is another. How would you connect the Goose bridge downstairs with the Contrast-part which is like 1024 or more UU lower than Gooses amp area.

I`m with Hagis. The banners are fine, maybe a bit bright, or a bit to violet.
He`s also right with the lightning where the transition between the parts could be a bit smoother.
And you can go on the open parts maybe a bit to high, as well as there are parts from the other map visible when you standing on the upper levels. (In the pic I don`t stand there, but you can see them from the ground partly, too.

I think the yellow to greenish lighting is really ugly in Contrast and I personally would never use this color as main color in my maps only as secondary color and even then not as bright and eye hurting. But its part of Contrast thats why I kept it.
While playing I never noticed areas being visible from somewhere else. I know where and why though but if you play the game you wont notice. I dont think its an issue.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2021, 22:40 by proof »
Currently playing as Kobe


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2021, 16:23 »
hiding place.. fix?


Sorry, but I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.


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Re: DM-Goosetrast
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2021, 23:36 »
Finally got to play it today. It's a big map. Really enjoyed it, although I kept thinking I was in Contrast (in the heat of battle) and forgetting it was goosetrast at a few points and making a few wrong turns as I ran backwards. Good Job Matey :)