Hello old friends and anyone who doesn't know me from the past. I hope everyone is safe and well.
I've thought about my time playing ONS with many of you, fondly, so many times, I don't remember how many years it's been since I last connected to the TitanONS server but I estimate 15, maybe more?
I'm here just to say hello really.
Quick summary - I'm 38 now, married and my son is 10.

He is commanding his army of friends on Fortnite as we speak (on console), I have told him too of his dad's awesome gaming sessions with many of you. He doesn't care.

I know some of you were probably close to my age now way back when.
I haven't actually got a PC, and believe it or not I haven't actually played any games since UT2004 apart from some very casual console gaming, mostly LEGO games with my little man, so I'm unable to play with you all just yet. My son is wanting a gaming PC, we're moving house within the next few months which will have some dedicated gaming room space so I'm going to get him set up with a decent gaming rig / studio (he wants to be a YouTuber!), hoping I can manage to grab a copy of UT2004 from somewhere, as my original has long gone, then join you for a game or 2...
I'll hang around in the meantime, try and add some value. Please say hello if you get the chance. \o