But at least disable the equalizer, it is pure idiocy. All the time, someone carries a flag, just about to score...player has been switched to blue/red by eq. What the.
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.
but they don't care enough to say it in the forum.
My coding skills are basic and date back to QBasic, Vbasic, PHP and JS basics, and i have no time or desire to learn the UnrealScript, it's the overall impression in-game equalizer should have never existed.
I have neither the patience nor the humbleness to explain utility of Equaliser to someone who is so myopic who can't really see the relevant threads in this forum.
For example you play your ass off whole game and then seconds before the end 'switched to blue by eq' etc.