French Racist Players using racist or affiliated Nicknames on miasma servers  (Read 72555 times)


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+1 from me on that.


  • 1337
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I think there is an easy way to avoid such dramas in the future. Piglet, can you please remove country tags from the warfare server ? So one who would like to play on the warfare may feel "more random" ... and it may help to prevent (in some way) people from making in-game shitstorms, like this one. Too bad in-game chat can't be disabled, that would solve most of the problems :)

I get what you're saying and I sort of agree, also point made later it could be a client choice. I wonder whether 'revealing' country IP lookup could be seen as opening the door for people who want to target other players

but,.. most servers I play on don't show country lookup (no one complains about it missing) but.. it's kinda fun to know all the weird places players come from and it sometimes promotes interesting chats and players get to learn a little about other places

perhaps in my mind it comes down to whether we let a few idiots cause a problem that wouldn't exist if they weren't on the server,. kick+ban sort of removes the issue?


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I think I sit firmly in the camp of "people are not assholes because of where you live, people are assholes because they are assholes."
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Imo we shouldnt hide our flags were we play from, thats what in real life goes so wrong in some places, just because of moments like this...I find country tags useful to find players for fun matches etc.


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Hello All,

I hope honestly that you will forgive me to have started this thread despite the general excellent spirit  on miasma servers but it was too hard to see nicknames directly related to hate-racist forms i had to report it.

That said,  there are things that are related to in game chat, and as long as people are not bullied or harassed, well it should be ok.
But we are also grown ups for most of us, and as such, it is possible for everyone to step up, either to cool down things, to bring mesure to comments, to stop someone from flaming, etc...
In my opinion,  i feel it is important that a friendly place is maintained  so that we can all enjoy playing, I really mean all of us.
Thats mostly why i like those servers, the peaceful and friendly spirit is big part of it.
That's why i started this thread, this is why i had to step up against hatred-racist-anti jews nicknames.

Peace, Joe.


  • 1337
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As a French, this is a shame that such shit comes out of French soil when in France we are supposed to have Equality, Liberty and Fraternity written in everything around us. Hope we head for a more equal and fair society than encourage people to continue to try and divide.


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I have to say I really admire France's citizenship attitude.

Whilst French people come in a range of colours, religions and heritages... you're not White-French, Black-French, Muslim-French, Asian-French, African-French, Jewish-French etc. You're French.


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I think I sit firmly in the camp of "people are not assholes because of where you live, people are assholes because they are assholes."

Yup I agree on that 100% An asshat is an asshat regardless of race/gender/religion/nationality. We should have cat admins - animals tend to know whether people are asshats or not  8)
Completely impractical to implement, but I thought it worth a mention.
I always promote friendly banter, but then I only really play on freon servers and I've never seen any nastiness since playing on them. I'll gladly tell people off for being nasty if I see it; they may not listen to me, but they might  8)


  • 1337
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Correct Piglet. In France we are all French :)

French citizenship should be restricted to people who have total integration about secularity, equality, liberty, tolerance and respect for women and the LGBT community. I have seen unfortunately some passport holders who wants to profit from our social system while asking their sisters why they were seen with gay men. I once asked one such asshat why he is in France and he shamelessly replied because of the social system. Now this is a rare rare asshat but the fact that he got the French passport is such a shame.

Rare as these elements are, I have still seen a general lack of women's right and brain washing in many areas which are economically not as strong and such pockets are exactly which we need to stop from growing. Anything going against the principles of the French republic should not be tolerated from day 1.

In short, if you do not love French values and French way of life, do not dare take the passport and contaminate the good values of our French society such as equality for all, secularity and freedom to lead your life as you want. These values still exist and as long as hell is alive, he will defend these values for sure hehe.

 The reason why we see more people with the French tag is because of our general tolerance which was mistaken as acceptance. Now times have changed and French people are not shying away from attacking such topics with our biggest weapon: Our freedom to Discuss about it without fear and logically eliminating the crap out of people against our values.

A little 2 cent about how we French feel when we hear such nonsense coming out our our land :)


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Correct Piglet. In France we are all French :)

French citizenship should be restricted to people who have total integration about secularity, equality, liberty, tolerance
It is funny that you mention that because

In short, if you do not love French values and French way of life, do not dare take the passport

and I won't even express my opinion  :))
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


  • 1337
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I have to say I really admire France's citizenship attitude.

Whilst French people come in a range of colours, religions and heritages... you're not White-French, Black-French, Muslim-French, Asian-French, African-French, Jewish-French etc. You're French.

I dont agree Piglet. There is too much racism and intolerance over here.
They dont want people to be united, they try to split the population using everything they can :

Religions, opinions, genders, workers vs welfare,  pro vs anti vax etc etc.

Divide and rule is stricly applied over here.  I find UK more tolerant tbh


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In France we have diverse opinions for sure :D We love to go on strike a lot and yes we have a ton of divided opinion. But we also live and let live no? I cannot comment on racism as honestly I think France is way much equal than other countries where racism is really to the face. All during my uni life, I never saw people being treated differently whatever be their origin. By treated I mean refused a job, refused treatment, refused a drink or entry in a club. In France people of colour for example holds big posts and small posts alike. My ex manager was of Indian origin French and she was the backbone of the company and my team was mixed from all over EU and we all ate , partied together etc ;)


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In my work I'm lucky enough to get to interact on a daily basis with highly educated and intelligent people from all around the world.

I can say, without any doubt, that great people to work with come in all genders, shapes, religions and colours.

I'm in awe of a certain Indian lady who dials into conference calls from her kitchen table in heat that would kill me with her children and her sister's children all shouting and playing round her in the middle of lockdown and coherently presenting a complex design for something we've been working on.

I had a brilliant video call the other day about a difficult issue with people from about 7 different countries. Everyone on the call helped with the part they knew and we sorted out out... at the end of it I said I wished we were all in the same office so we could go out for a beverage together.

Maybe the firm I work for picks bright good people, but more I think that intolerance and racism etc is more a symptom of low intelligence!


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After writing this I realised I was talking about 'honest' uninformed and unitelligent racism. Of course there are bad people who demonise anyone that they can divide from the 'us' into the 'them' normally for their own benefit. That's not racism. That's just evil.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2021, 21:33 by Piglet »