French Racist Players using racist or affiliated Nicknames on miasma servers  (Read 72678 times)


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My viewpoint
* Assumption(s) *
It seems you have great deal of respect for Jews or are one yourself.

Quote from: ETERNO_DIEGO
If you understand the equations, you can appreciate the fact that it is not exactly racist(1) (as it is written). Nazis, as far as I know, were supposed to be elite Aryan race (though heavily misguided) but still at the top, or so they believed. If anything that equation puts Jews (if judei is indeed what I think it is) at the top.

If you bring in the entire context of painful/sad historic events, then yeah I think I can understand the rage it might instigate, but I'd give some room that the speaker is not intending the same thing (I may be wrong on that). Maybe he feels the same amount of good or (and) evil from both the races.

What I am saying here is that you won't be able to prove the racist(1) intent of the speaker based on that equation, ever......

Quote from: ETERNO_DIEGO
you are nothing
It might be a personal attack on you as an individual. If you think it is inflicted on the entire race, then "maybe" it is you who are racist (2).

Quote from: ETERNO_DIEGO
Palestina free
Freedom is a birthright (in my ethical sense). If that bothers you, then "maybe" it gives us a clue about you.

(1) Here I think I am assuming that racist means "my race is better than yours so you are inconsequential" kind of mentality. Taking pride in one's own race is a good thing, but not at the cost of others.
(2) Here I think I mean that you are distributing the personal attacks on you, on entire race. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing.

i have never im my life saw a response that is so full of dumb "assumptions" and bulshit written all over it,is this a prank?no way a normal human being with rational mind is writing this crap,i told u,go check yourself asap.
and chain,can u please go play with your friend mental and dont interfere with something that is not involved with you directly?
i know exectly what's your thoguhts about me,plz stay out this conversation.
iam a jew with a versatile personality and a clear standpoint and understanding of my history in this world.
comparing a word like "nazi" to Judaism ,is something that gets my boiling points up to a 100 and iam trying my best not to give the bad words in game about it even tho i did in the past.


i think that your brain should have already conceived in he's little tiny illusion (that u might be in) the words that followed after that.
your words sums up everything that i pointed out.

the ignorance.

wanna keep a clean game that is uninvolved with politics what so ever? even free "narnia" should be banned to say.

By his own admission, Arbok loves being disliked and creating drama on the server.

Mr🤡 by my "admission",i love gettings dissed in a matter of skills ingame(accusing me of hax)i dont mind it at all.
but when it comes to my ethnicity,there is a limit, Mr🤡 .
stop acting like a baby on server and idle yourself when you have a shitty team.
i know your life golas are playing on warfare with bunch of unskilled players such as yourself.

🤡 u need this emoji next to your nick in game.


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....and breathe.....


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There was one comment in Italian I'm checking with the admins made at about the time you accused another player of not being Jewish.

Yes, that was it:

21:26 <Arbok (IL) > but your not juwish
21:27 <Arbok (IL) > jewish
21:27 <DIEGO (BE) > i am
21:27 <ETERNO_DIEGO (IT) > judei=nazisti

If you want to see an example of real racism and hate, here's an extract of the stream of filth that hugs (CA) let loose when admins weren't around.

To be clear, the attached is all from this one (banned) player and I'm attaching it only for the purposes of illustrating the difference between one isolated comment in the context of the other conversation and something from the other end of the spectrum.

this is so wrong,i am not supporting anything he said.
the most important thing is to see who's starting the hate first,and kick he's ass out of here before it reaches high levels.
each individual acts differently in this situation,some using curses(i cannot blame them for it as i experienced it myself) some dont.
a swift ban will fix this issue from going further and down hill.


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....and breathe.....

iam breathing just fine currently.

the kick/ban should go to the one who's started the conflict ,not the one that is defending himself.
politics should be out of this game.


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Did you compare the single comment with the attachment on the post before yours?


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i have never im my life saw a response that is so full of dumb "assumptions" and bulshit written all over it,is this a prank?no way a normal human being with rational mind is writing this crap,i told u,go check yourself asap.

I think you are entitled to your opinion and this is exactly what I mean by freedom (that you are able to express this sentiment).

and chain,can u please go play with your friend mental and dont interfere with something that is not involved with you directly?

This is what I mean by racist (clause 2). Just because mental is Indian doesn't mean he is my friend. He is just a person to me as you are.
This is something which is directly involved with me. I am the member of this community and it brings tears to my eyes when I see such subject threads in the forums.

comparing a word like "nazi" to Judaism ,is something that gets my boiling points up to a 100 and iam trying my best not to give the bad words in game about it even tho i did in the past.
That is courageous of you. But the fact remains. In my opinion there is no one in this world who is not infuriated by something or other. It is about how you deal with that. Either you can maintain the witch hunt, which started all this in the first place, or try to move past this. What do you want to do now is the question. And yes you are free to choose!
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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politics should be out of this game.

if you want to leave politics out of the game then stop reacting to it?? especially in the case of 1 single instance. actually - the fact that you keep screenshots of this occurrence from april ( = 4 months ago) makes me wonder a lot more about you

it is quite obvious which topics get you going and how easy it would be to trash talk you in game, so that you a) will ruin your game yourself b) you yourself will get into a state that leads you to getting banned


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politics should be out of this game.

if you want to leave politics out of the game then stop reacting to it?? especially in the case of 1 single instance. actually - the fact that you keep screenshots of this occurrence from april ( = 4 months ago) makes me wonder a lot more about you

it is quite obvious which topics get you going and how easy it would be to trash talk you in game, so that you a) will ruin your game yourself b) you yourself will get into a state that leads you to getting banned

tell u what.
iv'e been playing on warfare for years,the amount of times that iv'e been harassed due to my ethnic group [IL] is unprecedented.
try to imagine what its like join a game, and some unknown nab tries to trigger u every 2 min beacuse u got your [IL] at the end of the nickname.

thats why i am like this,its not my first time and not my last one for sure.
and iam on a whatsapp group that has some normal players from the server and we discuss things[that screenshot taken from there].

why in the first place,when someone insult indirectly/directly [doesn't really matter]your ethnicity,he isn't banned in the first 10 sec?
i complained over and over again,but fewer the times that iv'e been getting the right attention.

so plz excuse me for being unsympathetic.

and again,referred nazi is the end of the line for me,limit is crossed
« Last Edit: August 16, 2021, 14:29 by Arbok »


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21:27 <ETERNO_DIEGO (IT) > judei=nazisti

In general:

* The chat function is for gameplay and a bit of random chat
* Feel free to take those discussions beyond "a bit" off the server. This ain't Skype
* I don't mind a bit of friendly banter
* I do mind racism, sexism, homophobia, and any other kind of similar thing
* Be nice

My take on this incident is that opinions are a bit like assholes. Nearly everyone has one. I don't want to see it. I certainly don't want to see that one. Google "Godwin's law".


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the amount of times that iv'e been harassed due to my ethnic group [IL] is unprecedented.

Israel is not an ethnic group. It's a geographic location flagged by your IP address.

We have no idea and very little interest in what your ethinic group is.


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I wouldn't post this because it's been a long time and his behavior has changed so far, but...

It's a shame I don't have prints of Loon calling me a monkey 500 times, after Pig started recording the logs he is an angel, he only needs to pee for 10 seconds sometimes


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I think there is an easy way to avoid such dramas in the future. Piglet, can you please remove country tags from the warfare server ? So one who would like to play on the warfare may feel "more random" ... and it may help to prevent (in some way) people from making in-game shitstorms, like this one. Too bad in-game chat can't be disabled, that would solve most of the problems :)


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I think there is an easy way to avoid such dramas in the future. Piglet, can you please remove country tags from the warfare server ? So one who would like to play on the warfare may feel "more random" ... and it may help to prevent (in some way) people from making in-game shitstorms, like this one. Too bad in-game chat can't be disabled, that would solve most of the problems :)

I believe you have a point Harris. I'd rather clients choose if they want their country be visible.

In the end it all boils down to "Are you really proud of the legacy you have inherited? What will you do to improve and improvise that?".
Au revoir!
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Too bad in-game chat can't be disabled, that would solve most of the problems :)
De, ez játékon belül megoldható! Én is blokkoltam néhány játékost, mert nem vagyok kíváncsi az üzeneteire.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 06:18 by Romulus »


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Too bad in-game chat can't be disabled, that would solve most of the problems :)

How do we block an annoying player (his activities, messages) in the game?!

Open the ESC key.
sees the player names
mouse -> right click

and you will see these features:
(own languge)
Szöveg mellőzése
Beszéd mellőzése
Hangcsevegés mellőzése
Letiltás hangcsevegésről

English language version:
disable text
disable of speech
skip voice chat
disable voice chat

I hope it was helpful.

így nem fogod látni a letiltott személy írásit a játékban, beleértve a automatikus gúnyolódásait sem fogja hallani.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 06:10 by Romulus »