"The UT2004 master server could not be reached."  (Read 76756 times)


Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2022, 20:27 »
"Who cares, it's a fkn game"

Perhaps we could all take this advice.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 21:00 by kops »


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #61 on: August 23, 2022, 20:57 »
We could indeed. Most of us already do.

That is why most of us simply play for fun and don't say toxic shit.


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #62 on: August 24, 2022, 00:38 »
Well Cronix,

Let us be honest about one thing: Quadro and ender are two of the most deadly attackers you can face in a team. If you played long enough today, you knew that I am having a massive issue adjusting to my mouse settings as holy was kind enough to tweak stuff for me and as a result my mouse is ultra sensitive and I was forced to readjust everything. In short, hell was a total noob today.

Now with hell playing as a noob and lets assume you are a good player, do you think that we had practically any chance of winning against 2 of the best manta runners and fast attackers in UT? Even if I play my best, this game was to be decided by who makes the slightest of errors.

Now, knowing the above, you had zero teamwork with me meaning zero chance to win. Also, even if I defend and you attack, do you think you had a 1% chance of returning to the base alive without Quadro slicing your head off from behind you or ender killing you on the underground path without me covering you. So, the point is, we not only needed teamwork, we needed EXTREME teamwork. So, now you decide why I asked you to defend. it would not help us win as the combined speed of quad and ender > me + you. Proof: In bloodbath, soma joined and Quadro lost rapidly because of same equation. Me + Soma > quadro + another player.

Now coming to my comments, you are taking a joke way more seriously than you are meant to. A bit of trolling in a slow morning is nothing more than fun and leg pulling lol. It was a total joke when we said its your fault etc. It is exactly what we sup says to me or me to him. So, sorry if you took it to your heart but it was a joke and you should not take it more than that. However, read carefully about teamwork and tell me if I am wrong about the chance of winning against these two without the best possible teamwork. Also, you yourself highlighted me saying "You need to use these opportunities". I meant you need to use these hard games to improve skills. As you see, I am genuinely wanting your good here.

Now to Kuha: Do not get too proud so fast. JP knows a ton of map secrets and is kind enough to even share than keep it to himself just to kick you ass and show off (he could have) but he decided otherwise and showed me many secrets. He will also kick ass in fron more than VCTF and guy is very supportive player.  Risel is among the top manta runners and as you know RU net is having issues. She is EXTREMELY good team player , awesome manta runner and suffers due to bad net. Calling them low level is not really cool.

As for me asking people to defend and do stuff. You can ask Quadro how many times he smiles and takes advantage of my public message (which I do on purpose to teach people the importance of intel and strategy). Eg: If I say "defend noobs" you can see quadro do a manta run in 5 seconds as he saw hell is saying base is empty. Why people like quadro score against noobs is because the players are doing obvious mistakes. When no-name for example is a manta run heaven and you noobs won't put bender on flag knowing quadro will attack in 5 seconds then yes, hell will call you a noob as that is how you play like.

Also, when you tell me to defend, hell yes I defend. My defense is not waiting for Quadro's manta to come while I keep looking left and right. Sorry kuha if you are too pro to understand, my defense is to attack their manta and destroy it to buy our noob defense time while our attackers (you) can score. So, when you do score, instead of thanking my service , you insult me. This shows why people like me on a real tournament can kick ass. Imagine , me + quadro + your low level (JP+RISE). We can take you down in minutes SPECIALLY if I go on discord and for once we decide to play like saint and me, caracal and all other discord players used to do.

Do not forget you Kuha were part of discord and we learnt a lot how hard it is to coordinate but we got there and continued while you stopped.

So, when I call people noob, that is a way to push them to become better players. Not like a school yard name calling. I genuinely want them to get better as it is more fun to win against good players.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 00:42 by hellfire »


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #63 on: August 24, 2022, 02:08 »
Well Cronix,

Let us be honest about one thing: Quadro and ender are two of the most deadly attackers you can face in a team. If you played long enough today, you knew that I am having a massive issue adjusting to my mouse settings as holy was kind enough to tweak stuff for me and as a result my mouse is ultra sensitive and I was forced to readjust everything. In short, hell was a total noob today.

I know well about your mouse sensitivity thing, you did not stop crying about it.

Now with hell playing as a noob and lets assume you are a good player, do you think that we had practically any chance of winning against 2 of the best manta runners and fast attackers in UT? Even if I play my best, this game was to be decided by who makes the slightest of errors.

As you say below it was just a slow morning match, yet you speak as if your life depended on winning it.

Now, knowing the above, you had zero teamwork with me meaning zero chance to win.

HA, teamwork with you, do you hear yourself. It never crossed your mind you had zero teamwork with me. Besides i don't like that map and i don't like 2 on 2 matches. Always fertile ground for either player of the losing team accusing the other. Never a lucky combination.

Also, even if I defend and you attack, do you think you had a 1% chance of returning to the base alive without Quadro slicing your head off from behind you or ender killing you on the underground path without me covering you.

I think i had very good chance, with few spiders and shock balls behind me i could've tunneled the flag to our base, if you only defended.

So, the point is, we not only needed teamwork, we needed EXTREME teamwork. So, now you decide why I asked you to defend. it would not help us win as the combined speed of quad and ender > me + you. Proof: In bloodbath, soma joined and Quadro lost rapidly because of same equation. Me + Soma > quadro + another player.

As you say you were incapacitated by mouse, so it would've been logical for you to remain in the tank in the base which demands far less mouse movements, stopping those manta runs you expected from them but didn't even say anything until they already scored like 2 times.

Now coming to my comments, you are taking a joke way more seriously than you are meant to. A bit of trolling in a slow morning is nothing more than fun and leg pulling lol. It was a total joke when we said its your fault etc. It is exactly what we sup says to me or me to him. So, sorry if you took it to your heart but it was a joke and you should not take it more than that.

Eh, it's always "just a joke" when one is called out for trolling (attempts), never taking responsibility/accountability. Screenshots clearly show that you well crossed the lines of friendly morning chatter. No it was not a joke, quadro really got pissed lol, he and risel kickvoted me, and they joined in hating. So i did not "take it to heart" i just saw it for what it really was, i don't care, i just think it's pathetic that grown ass people stoop to such degenerated low level to insult and join in trolling (attempts) just cause of their (mis)perception that someone made a "mistake".

However, read carefully about teamwork and tell me if I am wrong about the chance of winning against these two without the best possible teamwork. Also, you yourself highlighted me saying "You need to use these opportunities". I meant you need to use these hard games to improve skills. As you see, I am genuinely wanting your good here.

Obviously teamwork is essential, but you keep projecting this silly idea as if others must adjust to you, that others need to teamwork with you, god forbid the other way around. You clearly have delusion of grandeur and you have a misperception of my skills. Maybe you have bad memory and somehow managed to overlook all the times i scored in high 100+ which has been quite a regular thing, and number of times even 200+ and i believe 1 or 2 times even 300+, all the times i capture which is beyond counting, often in very very unlikely situtations, not even gonna mention how many times i offed you today in 1 on 1 duels cause you have your little mouse excuse, but you clearly suffer from bad memory. I am genuinely wanting your good here as well, but you need to first get off your high horse and realize you may be the one who needs to improve.

Also, JP and risel are low skill and you know it, JP keeps saying "closer sucks donkey balls" every time i vote for it altho closer is undoubtedly one of top UT maps, hilarious.

And risel is a female, HA, i could've imagined. Female wannabe troll, how sweet. I'm sure dad took her virginity by old russian tradition so she decided to never leave the house but stay home and play UT, so she even tries to troll like a guy (altho pathetically badly). Stupid bitch. BTW I never disrespect women, in real life or online, but this one surely cannot be called a woman.  I don't respect wannabe trolls no matter what they carry in their pants.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 02:38 by CRONix »


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #64 on: August 24, 2022, 04:09 »
Yeap, sexist detected...

Risel said "kronix ut master"
you said that her father took her virginity, that she is a bitch and that she doesn't deserve to be called a woman...

btw, she's 1 million times better than you. If she's "low skill" I don't know what you are. You don't even know how to dodge jump or how not to fall off the manta...

Have a nice ban


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #65 on: August 24, 2022, 07:44 »
my my, GUYS! GUYS!! GUYS!!! The game is meant to be enjoyed. FULL STOP.


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #66 on: August 24, 2022, 10:11 »
"As you say below it was just a slow morning match, yet you speak as if your life depended on winning it."
---Every game I play, I atleast think of winning. If my life would defend on it, I would re-set to old settings and kick ass + discord. The reason you do not play with this urgent spirit even the morning silly games, shows why Quadro got pissed and I did not see much hope winning with you.

"HA, teamwork with you, do you hear yourself. It never crossed your mind you had zero teamwork with me. Besides i don't like that map and i don't like 2 on 2 matches. Always fertile ground for either player of the losing team accusing the other. Never a lucky combination."

-- You said it, you don't like the map. When you don't like and hence no teamwork, why the hell are you crying about it here? If you don't like, spec or just play like you don't like but then don't complain about me not defending. If you do not like map, you have zero motivation to win and with 2 highly motivated players, yeah..teamwork or no teamwork, the will to win is missing.

"...he and risel kickvoted me..."
-- I did not do any such thing and hate is a very strong word. No one hates you. Just pissed off at your gameplay maybe at max. No one is saying shit when you score/defend. If people can talk about you like this, it normally means you are playing sub par to what you usually play. Have you seen us trolling a usually bad player who we know will always be in the lower half? ICH has taken 100 times more insults from Quadro and me even if he is an excellent defender (very stubborn and hence a huge pain lol) and to me , that is what I think needs to lower a notch.

Also, YES I want others to do in a certain way but have you ever realized what I say  is the most optimal way to win? Even Quadro can be heard saying "give me just 1 player with brains". It is because, only 3 players doing teamwork is enough to win most matches. I am not thinking I am the best. Why on hell would I ask help from holy or ask JP about map secrets or ask plaka to teach me manta runs. However, I stand by my advise which I give in game like "camp underwater" or "take down lexa" etc as that is the most urgent things to do to win. If you disagree with them , just don't follow. However, there are people like saint who actually follows them and helps massively to coordinate a fast manta attack etc.

Also, Risel is an excellent game artist and me, Quadro, ender etc etc are all buddies who talk on a daily basis about everything other than just gaming. So, maybe you are missing the bigger picture, but we are highly competitive in the game and call each other names but outside the game we are friends who are talking about life and other stuff and all these people are more or less very helpful and cool.

Lastly, since you talk of skills ok, I will up a notch to prove a point. Do not forget that we have all full time jobs and most high skill players have the luxury to practice all day long. What stuns me is that people do noob things even after 10 years of playing a little everyday ;)

Anyway, please do not go insulting people like you did to Risel. No one ever told you personal things other than a pinch about your lack of interest in the morning maybe. Why risk a temp ban by letting your emotions. Atleast be assured I do not mean to insult/troll you just for the sake of doing it. And yes you have zero obligation to follow my advise in the game. However, if you have any advise for me, ask me and mostly I always answer the call. Eg: When someone says defend (and I am sure that the player is a good attacker), hell yes I defend. If you want proof, watch all my videos of the longest yard map. Hell since a month has ALWAYS defended in that map causing us to win big time. So, yes I defend. 


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #67 on: August 24, 2022, 10:34 »
Here comes sup the simp to defend her honor xD

Yeap, sexist detected...

Risel said "kronix ut master"
you said that her father took her virginity, that she is a bitch and that she doesn't deserve to be called a woman...

"sexist" HA. Nope, not even close. She kickvoted me for no good reason and tried to troll me altho i never said a word to her.

btw, she's 1 million times better than you. If she's "low skill" I don't know what you are. You don't even know how to dodge jump or how not to fall off the manta...

LOL, i hardly even noticed her presence in-game, she never dominated me 1on1, that's how "good" she is, her average score is 2.45, mine 2.94......i always say scores are not the main thing and they really are not but they do say something.

You don't even know how to dodge jump or how not to fall off the manta

LOL There he goes with dodge jump again xD...here is your dodge jump, it ain't that mysterious nor powerful afterall

it's hardly any better than forward forward (wait few nanoseconds) jump

As for "how not to fall off the manta" you only show you're still bitter about YOUR lack of skill from that arcade match when you dropped me off manta multiple times cause you had no elegance to duck with manta before the ramp/slope, to smoothly rise into the air vertically, you crushed into it brutally like a brickhead. You, unrealistic as you are, deny me that i am solid manta driver, in fact i'm one of the better ones when i'm in mood, just 2 days ago i did a really nice one in Fortress carrying gillad i think it was, not even going to the tower first to get a straight exit route, but going into the air straight from our base, making a smooth turn/landing and escaping with the flag, not that hard really.

Have a nice ban

You wish, nup.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 10:39 by CRONix »


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Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #68 on: August 24, 2022, 11:13 »
Just chill out. Be nice. Stop.


Re: "The UT2004 master server could not be reached."
« Reply #69 on: August 24, 2022, 11:48 »
CRONix is banned from the forum and game servers for his comments.

Hellfire, just settle down on the game servers. What might seem like banter to you isn't always read like that by other players. Constantly calling people noobs is not the way to generate better gameplay nor is it a making the servers a welcoming place to be.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 12:29 by kops »