Remove Equalizer  (Read 30737 times)


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Remove Equalizer
« on: March 16, 2022, 05:17 »
Yeah you read it right! I am myself creating thread to assemble all the entities not wanting Equalizer on the server.

Since it is widely known CRONix is not wanting (with certain reservations?), let me provide a platform for all of mfs (my friends) to say it here and unload all your frustrations and whatnot nuisances you have against Equalizer.

Let me see how many reply out in open (here). CRONix, buddy, you have the floor (no, not the killing floor  8)). Try and sway as many as you can!!!
« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 05:20 by The_Cowboy »
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2022, 10:49 »
I find a funny representation of your frustration when you are trying your balancing act to please everyone: (CLICK HERE IF ERROR)

[edit] fixed it for you [/edit]
« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 15:23 by hellfire »


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2022, 11:03 »
Lel that is the thing with inconsistent asses. If you try to please them (read democracy) they piss on you (for instance on indian politicians) and when you enforce strict rules (read dictatorship), they curse you (for instance, ahem, on russian politicians).

Democracy gives you rights along with responsibilities (as my sister says) doesn't mean you abuse it to the point where it is compelled to become dictatorship :(
Quote from: Wormbo
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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2022, 11:48 »
Hi mate.

The following quote is attributed to the poet John Lydgate and later adapted by President Lincoln: “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time”.

This is certainly true for mods and mutators.

I do think the code in place results in starting game outcome which is significantly "better than random". This was my goal.

Anything more than "better than random" is probably not possible, but if was possible is likely to be less desirable.

Absolutely balanced teams would result in stalemate.

The current logic works on a blended points per hour calculation. The highest PPH goes on one team. The next two highest go on to the other team, and then down the PPH calculation list players are placed on alternate teams.

As players join and leave the combinations of players resulting from this change. Sometimes you'll get high-scoring points-whores and campers vs huigh scoring attackers and defenders, which will result in a walk-over. Other times you'll get a different distribution of skillsets giving better games.

What you will not get is low points scorers against high scorers.

In summary - with this code the chances of a better game are higher than without it. It stays.


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2022, 14:24 »
Just 1 more point for whiners : If a player has lost past 2 games in a row, auto place him in a team with higher winning probability :D This will cut the whining to zero and make the poet smile :)


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2022, 14:59 »
I am sorry, I don't understand who are the whiners?
Quote from: Wormbo
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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2022, 15:13 »
What is the end goal? Is it to keep the server as casual or to make it high skill or both?

I would say the problem is gameplay balance not  team balancer. There is not enough high skill players that are online same time. Mid match joining is something i think u cant ever fix so ppl who score high in one team wont go to the losing team when ppl join or leave. Making all that hard work go against you.

 Remove over time. Biggest problem seems like there is chance for endless stalemants. Thats easy fix make games only last 20min or 30min. One team wins or its tie. Make it so winning team gets more votes on map vote. 1 for winner and 0.5 for loser and with tie both get 0.5. I have seen some server use this in the past so i think there might be a ready code.

 Add respawn timer. This could fix some maps that have really hard time to get flag and out. Defenders respawning fast makes the offense hard or impossible. Most maps its better to not kill anyone and just shield gun jump from flag or use  adren combo or abuse poop combo. Respawn time could be anything it only depends what you guys see as good can be from 3sec to 5sec. With longer respawn times attackers can make openings for flag runnners making the game reward team work or invidual skill.
 Nerf suicide command. Just nerf that shit. All true top players abuse it. With the current 0 respawn time there is 0 penalty for it, you get full shield and hp spawn near your flag meaning u can go for  defense faster than the enemy can touch the flag. If you suicide during combat the enemy wont get kill rewards no adren gained and top player can come at you with full hp and kill you and suicide to go for attack. Make it so there is 10 sec respawn time if used or you lose all adren.

  Increase Vehicle respawn time. Tanks, benders, raptor and even manta make defense easy. You can camp one choke point in most maps making defense hard to break. When one team has vehicle specialist game becomes hard for other team to even match the infuence that player has. Be it at defense with tank and bender to doing manta runs on attack. You can only stop the attacks and defense for a short while before they respawn back. This would give openings for everyone low or high level player together with increase player respawn time. Cant remember the respawn time for vehicles but increase it to 1min+ would make it in 20min game u have 20 manta runs u can try or less if it gets destroyed.

 Poop combo adren drain is too slow. make it faster drain than speed combo.

 With all these small or huge gameplay balances there might be something more team play and fair matches. With longer respawn you can attack more often as defenders wont respawn instantly to fight  you or your team.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 16:37 by Kuha »


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2022, 16:48 »

 Remove over time. Add respawn timer.  Nerf suicide command.

I disagree to remove overtime, some games are spicy, it was always fun to play.

Adding respawn timer is worst possible thing to do, the server setting is fine, and no there are no map where it's hard or impossible to capture. We played for years like this and it's fine. Tell me which map is impossible to capture, i haven't seen any.

We do not need respawn timer, would destroy gameplay especially with few players or full server even just deemer the base in facessingass  or any small map and take flag freely, that would be too easy. It's also frustating to add that timer.
That's good for assault but clearly not for ctf. 

Removing suicide bind i disagree here, it has nothing to do with high player, anyone can set it, no skill required.
What's the next step? High players start with 60 hp so lower player has more chance?

Increasing shield damage was already bad enough, now we can't even full shield charge without dying as  it takes 106 hp max charge then 40 hp when default setting was about 50 max charge and 20 without charge. On the other side they put poop combo which boost  way more than shield without taking damage.

Restricting things and adding easy things isn't the way, the server was always fine.

The biggest problem is some people whinning when they loose and people feeding drama.
An other solution would be that good players would switch teams by themself in beginning if needed.

Apart of that, i didn't see anything bad with new balancer system. It looks correct. 
« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 17:04 by jiRNGen »


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2022, 16:50 »
« Last Edit: May 05, 2022, 06:16 by [BMS]Romulus »


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2022, 17:24 »
Yeah, thanks!
I made my peace with that :D
Quote from: Wormbo
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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2022, 18:11 »

I disagree to remove overtime, some games are spicy, it was always fun to play.

Adding respawn timer is worst possible thing to do, the server setting is fine, and no there are no map where it's hard or impossible to capture. We played for years like this and it's fine. Tell me which map is impossible to capture, i haven't seen any.

We do not need respawn timer, would destroy gameplay especially with few players or full server even just deemer the base in facessingass  or any small map and take flag freely, that would be too easy. It's also frustating to add that timer.
That's good for assault but clearly not for ctf. 

Removing suicide bind i disagree here, it has nothing to do with high player, anyone can set it, no skill required.
What's the next step? High players start with 60 hp so lower player has more chance?

Restricting things and adding easy things isn't the way, the server was always fine.

Overtime can be fun or not. Thats not the point here. Piglet and many others say having more balanced teams would lead to overtime more ofthen. All im saying is there seems to be a way to better balacned team with the current balancer but it would lead to more overtime games thats the reason its not in use. Why have the overtime then? There can be a test to see would game quality increase with what im suggestion. You can have balanced games still force the game to end thats a normal UT setting is it not?

Its not about are some maps impossible to capture. Only top players can consistently capture. Is that not what the balancer is here to do so every player has agency in the game or should it be all noobs are just adren for top players to farm.
How do you know respawn times would make it worst? You use the old boomer logic back in my time it worked so should work now. Here we are in 2022 and the game is offically dead for how many years now? Because old elitist like you cant grasp the reason games die and why all the popular games are made for casuals.

Respawn times can make attacking more easy. Is that not the problem with the so called games going overtime as u cant do attacks. Respawn times are again normal UT setting. In your own saying my suggestion would fix the overtime stalemates. As attacks are more easy to do.

Never said remove it. Only to nerf it. What do you mean every player can bing it? Every player can use manta but the true winners are the one who have it mastered and will manta capture nonstop. Again its not to make high lvl players bad. Its to balance it there needs to be trade off. Cant the High lvl player adapt? Seems like u boomers are too old to learn and change stuff up.

You can always test stuff out and see what works what does not. Will the quality of games go up and will peopel enjoy more of the time they use to play in miasma vctf.
But it seems u have some kinda stick in your ass. If u dont like freon gameplay balance of low hp start on winning team they say so. Why u make it some random gotcha to me? I dont play freon so i dont care about it.

Nothing i said made the game easier? Would the game not be harder when one good deemer can turn the game aroun so u need to keep up with super weapon respawn or are u too old for that? Better defense so you cant all get wiped. Defend the vehicles so u can use them on offense and defense.

In the end it seems like you boomer nick pick one random stuff i said when im talking overall quality of the game if everyting can be teseted. Who know maybe im wrong maybe not.  If you use the back in the day it worked lets remove all the new stuff and play like its base ut2k4 game. Seems like most ppl here want that.


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2022, 19:16 »
We can't discuss with fools like you. All i did was saying i disagree with your points and explained why.
Then you come here crying like a kid.   i haven't insult you nor did i disrespect,  or any vulgarity. It's ok i don't like disrespect and vulgarity but for you i can do that too .

Overtime isn't a problem, it's not like you play overtime for like 1 hour everytime.
It generally last 10-15 minutes most of the time.

"Only top players can capture": Weither you put timer or not, do you think it will affect the top players who will more consistently capture? It has nothing to do with respawn timer. You want to add a setting that would only break the rythm. And the gap will not change as it affect everyone. And my deemer exemple stand perfectly.

 It's not about it worked back in my time, it's that there has been a lot of change in the few years to make server better for everybody, as i said your point about respawn time is no factor here, it will affect everybody, weither top player or average players, that's what you clown doesn't get, it will be annoying for everybody. But since you are sure, go ask them to test and enjoy.

About your stupid logic with suicide thing, an other restricting useless suggestions.
In what it will help? if i can even suicide with weapons? bind, is just to write in console "set input ctrl suicide" which anyone can do.
But you in your brain think only top player can do. Suicide or remove suicide, won't change anything. 

I suck in vehicle and manta, and vehicle.  I never complained about asking to restrict them to balance the team and my lack of skill with it.You bring to many major modifications, it will just break the game and what you say about before it was like this and now it's different, no it's not.

And your nonsense about this game being old is an other bs.  What does the game's age have to do with our comunity? Do you really think there are a lot new players and we should adapt to them? The big majorities of the players here are at least playing for at least 5-6 years. I'm open minded for smart change, but what you are proposed is dumb.

But since you smartass are sure about youself, go hang on test it. In everything you proposed in no way it will change the gap between top players and average players, that's what you clown don't understand.

Nothing you said made the game easier? are you a clown or what?

And last thing, I never refered nor mentioned freon here, it was just an exemple of restriction against some players.
I don't know since when you play here but there are a lot of change that has made in the server in the last 5 years, you clown come here saying nonsense.

What affect good players, will affect bad players too, the gap will not change, that's what you  have to understand.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 00:47 by jiRNGen »


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2022, 20:26 »
If you use the back in the day it worked lets remove all the new stuff and play like its base ut2k4 game. Seems like most ppl here want that.

That's... that's why we're playing UT2K4, and not like, Overwatch or Call of Duty or something.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2022, 20:27 by [MiA]Latte »
Previously known as: xS0NARx, Njordr, Latte, or whatever the "name of the week" was.


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2022, 20:41 »
 jiRNGen whats your ingame name? Cant regonize you that would be good one to start with.

Yes it was my mistake to call you names. I did not do it because i wanted to make fun of you. I called you names because the comment you made about my comment was ignoring half the stuff i said and even saying stuff i havent even  talked about. That is the reason nothing more.


Yeah ut2k4 is not new game. Yet the most popular games modes are not base ut2k4. So wtf does it matter? Seems like u guys cant realise that this game is modded to hell be it with maps or vehicles or mutators. Overwatch came out in 2016 thats 6 years. Like  jiRNGen says most player are 5-6year in the server. So why are u guys not playing normal ut2k4 but u are playing modded one? The new balancer talk got on moving last fall when i started to really play on the server actively. So i have seen the talks ingame discord and forum. From that point onwards. Ppl started to call me good player really fast. I dont agree on  that one but Cowboys says that stats say im high lvl player.


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Re: Remove Equalizer
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2022, 22:55 »
The new balancer talk got on moving last fall when i started to really play on the server actively.

Well it is nearly impossible and useless to dive into "what inspired what". Flenser started the discussion (,1682.0.html) for "bit'o better balance". That be mid autumn spring last year!

The irony is they are in your boat in the sense of balancing discrimination! Huh, guess they thought no one can pull it off so try bsing the forums just for the f of it!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 12:12 by The_Cowboy »
Quote from: Wormbo
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