Hell Fire retires  (Read 48384 times)


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2022, 05:00 »
Lul, there is no proof that I called her those names. And suggesting me to take lithium is another immaturity. You just making my point more lucid.

If I prove that you said that, will you stop playing forever?
Just a yes or no plz. I know how you like to change the subject

And I wasn't kidding about lithium, you've been showing some schizophrenic traits for a long time and I really think you need help. I'm not trying to offend you


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2022, 05:22 »
Wow you are like reading my mind. So if anything, you are an inconsistent set of entities trying to topple me, again.

I'd say give your best, because you ain't gonna touch my hair.
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2022, 17:25 »
Lul, there is no proof that I called her those names.

And suggesting me to take lithium is another immaturity. You just making my point more lucid

Not to mention the thousands of times you've cursed and snubbed a 15 year old boy:

I hope to be as mature as you someday


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2022, 18:52 »
Piglet can u atc like the Big boss u are? Have some talk with this cowboy guy. Hes toxic fuck in any chat he buts hes words in to.


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2022, 18:59 »
Piglet can u atc like the Big boss u are? Have some talk with this cowboy guy. Hes toxic fuck in any chat he buts hes words in to.


Thanks Kuha


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2022, 20:48 »
Btw.. apparently it's okay when you say bastard with the intention of actually offending someone. In that case it's mature, right? Now I think I understand, thanks

Just some more evidence of mature behavior...

Later man, have a nice ban <3


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2022, 23:24 »
Well since you are so keen on showing messages out of context (the strips clearly show how slyly you have redacted the comments of Hydro and Risel who were giving me death threats), hear this, unlike you my life is not based on games and I shall truly leave the community once I feel I am no longer needed.

So man up and post the complete dialogs (if you really can) and please stop ganging up!

And you can't touch my hair STILL!

If you think Risel is the only female player, then either you are obnoxious entity or purely ignorant. The proof would be
"Risel is fat". Can you show that or quote me saying that?!

also since you are so good in leaking the information (and clearly it seems that the majority kick was ineffective), it is time that you assess your influences and how pathetic your attempt to control things really are!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2022, 23:34 by The_Cowboy »
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2022, 23:31 »
And herre comes the hero of the forums. Man u really are toxic fuck. Go read the Discord chat after u made the forum post to make fun of Kronix. How did that chat go? Even other admin had to ask u to behave. You call your self admin yet u cant act like one. Even the logs Sup shows us we have Killer asking you to behave. How can u still act like u are in the right here?


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2022, 23:36 »
And herre comes the hero of the forums. Man u really are toxic fuck. Go read the Discord chat after u made the forum post to make fun of Kronix. How did that chat go? Even other admin had to ask u to behave. You call your self admin yet u cant act like one. Even the logs Sup shows us we have Killer asking you to behave. How can u still act like u are in the right here?
Yeah what ever you mean. I haven't abused in this context and you have demonstrated how weak you are dealing with mature talks. I just hope admins can interpolate this situation to server game dialogs.

Who was the "other" admin? Name them!
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2022, 00:28 »
New reason why hellfire retires: After reading this thread after 2 days :D

If only such energy would go in teamwork, you all would be pros :D Channel all this rage on capturing the flag (or defending if thats your thing ;) )

Take this chat in Discord so we can have another work day entertainment tomorrow :D


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2022, 00:39 »
Hey I am open for that too! Shame sup cant man up enough to type in Discord :)
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2022, 00:43 »
You really are a joke of a man. You want me to go and take screen shots of discord talk from 16.03.2022. Were Mia Latte joined the chat. That random post to call sup to discord. If you  missing something go read the messages again not that hard.
The criticism of your balancer made you salty that every game u play u ask if teams balanced. You might think ppl are laughing with you but they are laughing at you.  That last link at the end of the post is biggest proof ever need to permaban Cowboy or give him ingame mute. This man needs to have long lesson how to write with out insulting others and what to say when u have made mistake and how to apologize.

In these message you present your self as admin or person with higher status than your average everyday player. The way you present your self makes it seem like you are admin.

the_cowboy — 16.03.2022
Lel says a non-admin ass
I mean what is the use even if I code that and Admins decide not to put it
Kuha would you host a new server
So your quarrel is not with me, but with Admin team
and shut the fuck up

the_cowboy — 16.03.2022
yeah include that to the list of things to take Pig's permissions for
and I think it be rude to ignore other admins 😄

I removed the kronix quotes u can see them if u scroll back to 16.03.2022 in discord.
the_cowboy — 16.03.2022
Hey wanna see something inconsistent?

I believe the logic was in place much before I explicitly started working on Equalizer.

Not specifying what others mean///

Then after admin hammer, (s)he stops bitching, almost!

What a loose character!!!

And now finally, when things are changing for better, another bitching rant comes in

I noticed others comment lately how useless it is, how it does not properly balance at all and how even if it takes into account player's stats it cannot predict how much "inspired" the players are at any particular moment, it just messes things up, it is totally useless.

The logic that I wrote has NOTHING to do with mid-game team switching, so what they are trying to say is complete BS.

Imagine personality like CRONix engaged in game development. No game ever gets made, well except if bitching is gaming, then CRONix takes the biscuit!

Calling Sup to join discord after u did not like what he said in forum.
Hey @Sup  if you are on Discord, feel free to have discussions here. That way you will see how things should be dealt with IN REAL TIME

Like what is this supposed to mean? Last talk we had was in 16.03.2022 were it was clear you dont like the way i write my jokes and i dont like yours. So why are you even trying the mention me?
the_cowboy — 28.03.2022
Good lord! Kuha be in his basement trying to frame sentences to frame how he is better than Quadro



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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2022, 00:45 »
Sup: Download discord to face this challenge and later join teamwork chat during tough fights ;)


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2022, 00:50 »
Wooow Kuha! Congratulations on abusing the Admin now! You are questioning his moderations. I'd say go ahead and indulge more.

And you have failed to answer my question!!
« Last Edit: April 05, 2022, 01:10 by The_Cowboy »
Quote from: Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO.


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Re: Hell Fire retires
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2022, 01:11 »
Well since you are so keen on showing messages out of context (the strips clearly show how slyly you have redacted the comments of Hydro and Risel who were giving me death threats), hear this, unlike you my life is not based on games and I shall truly leave the community once I feel I am no longer needed.

So man up and post the complete dialogs (if you really can) and please stop ganging up!

Lmao, so predictable...
So did I redact the comments? Apparently you don't know how the server works... I'm not surprised.. Any admin can verify the veracity of any of these lines, ask them to verify, it will be funny

Okay, I was trying to be succinct, but if you want the full screenshots, have fun:

Yeah.. lots of death threats, omg they're everywhere!! Maybe you'd better hire private security man!!

Hire a company quickly!
