VCTF and sociology  (Read 77482 times)


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VCTF and sociology
« on: September 26, 2022, 13:57 »
Hello there,

I haven't posted anything here on the forum for a long time. Two months ago, I defended my BA in Sociology. Sociology is the study of society, its processes and the explanation of these processes. It is a very interesting field of science - on the basis of the available literature, a researcher is able to analyze a given phenomenon, on the other hand, today, in the XXI century, we are dealing with another "dimension" of research, which is the Internet, which in a certain way degree is still unexplored. I have been playing on the Miasma VCTF server for many years, under the influence of my studies I started to notice certain patterns of behavior depending on the country of origin.

For example: I noticed that Italians (IT) statistically more often defend the flag, players from the USA (US) almost always attack, Brazilians (BR) are very inventive and try to find new "ways" to play the arena. I suspect that the reason for this state of affairs is a lot of factors such as lifestyle (society of a given country or individual), work performed (mental/physical, it looks different in each country), cultural conditions (upbringing, behavior patterns considered appropriate in a given society) ) or age (our reflexes deteriorate with age, we become slower, more lazy).

I am writing about all of this to ask you for your opinion - do you also have such observations? I believe that this would be a very interesting research topic, which could revolutionize the perception of the video game market on the one hand and the societies of the countries concerned on the other.

PS: Im waiting on the enemy rooof with raptor!  ;D


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2022, 15:00 »
Generalisations are by definition imprecise. People get very cross about them when they see it as racial sterotyping or some such.

However, as you say you do get some gut-feel as you play:

(FI) - remarkably good aims. Not very chatty
(BE) - ridiculous aim. Friendly chat
(RU) - more cheats than anywhere else, but other than that no generalisations to observe
(FR) - attack attack attack


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2022, 16:43 »
  (PL) - Crying and complaining all the time


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2022, 18:37 »
Interesting, I've never thought about it on a country level, but I've always noticed that the way a person plays says a lot about a person's personality and psyche.

People who attack all the time and don't care about the team tend to be more selfish (only children maybe? xD)

People who winjoin (or needs deemer, 199hp and 150 shield) all the time are likely to adopt the same behavior in life, trying to get some small perks. In addition to being people with low self-esteem, needing advantages to win and reaffirm themselves as someone skilled (Vlad_Dracula, Loon, Dead_Dredd, Plassy, ​​Romulus and many others)

People who rq always tend to be less resilient with problems in life

People who go camping all the time..well those are just assholes that spoil the game (hi loon)

I've noticed some of these behavior patterns after many years of playing and chatting with dozens of players on what's app

I had never thought about it from a country perspective, but yes, the culture of each country determines a large part of the person's personality and, consequently, their playstyle

Here in Brazil we have a very strong culture of artistic football (dribbling to create solutions etc). I even say "oléé" when I dribble or deceive someone in the game. Maybe unconsciously I transferred this to my playstyle

This is another example of how I see ut as a football match :P (at the end of the video)


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2022, 19:26 »
Ahaah! my poor dro! u ded now sup xD


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2022, 19:38 »
I don't know how you guys come up with this, there is some truth to it, but not enough data to come up to any sensible conclusions. The examples that you gave:
1) Italians defend - that's mostly Rounin, hahahahate snipes, Unclegrandma just jumps around aimlessly
2) USA attacks - Dead_Dredd I'd agree, but Kyhado - plays midfield (leaning towards defence), AN - plays midfield, SaintHappening is mostly on defence, FlipFlopKerry mixes it up. If there's one country with an attacking mentality I would say it's Poland - our 4 best players - Plakatowy, Belial, ESCOBAR, myself - we are pretty much all on attack 90%+ of the time. And btw Kuha - I'm the one one who complains a lot, but the vast majority of time it's aimed at my own team for not doing crap. Having said that we are known for complaining a lot xD Blame the weather xD

(FI) - remarkably good aims. Not very chatty - isn't that just Kuha? And he chats a lot too xD
(FR) - France has some of the best attackers, I agree, but there are so many players and I can name from each group - stephanie, Paco on attack, HellFire midfield, corsica sniping, MasterofPuppets, moi on defence

This is the way I see it:
Snipers/campers = people who hate taking risks and want to feel good about themselves despite not adding anything to the table most of the time, probably gives them the illusion that they are helping the team and in reality they are just extremely annoying and nothing else. In investing = people who keep their money in their socks or buy bonds ;D
People who defend = really responsible players and pretty much the core strength of the team. You could have the best 3 attackers in the game, without a proper defence they will most likely lose. Defenders - tacticians, often not too flashy, but getting the job done. Great defence = great foundations of the team. In investing = people who buy index funds ;D
People who attack = people who like taking risks, get bored fast, like to have fun even despite losing their dignity, are not a fan of teamwork and like to work alone (and Sup, that's not selfish - you can't call people who cap multiple times per map selfish, they are the reason the scoreboard is even moving). In investing = people who buy crypto or play stocks with high leverage ;D

If we go further I've noticed (but again, it's a small sample) that girls most often like to defend than attack. Draugr, Vasabi, HLK 7 I believe are pretty much on defence all the time (and use flak as their main weapon), Risel is kinda playing midfield leaning towards defence unless there's a manta on a map in which she's on attack a lot, tirofijo plays midfield a bit too and can attack once or twice per map depending on the circumstances
« Last Edit: September 26, 2022, 20:03 by duke »


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2022, 07:49 »
Yes, we ALL use cheats


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2022, 07:53 »
And in general, we are increasingly getting puttin as a president XD


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2022, 09:00 »
Lmao Duke.

 I think Piglets view of finish players from freon players Nyrde/Jaska they dont talk that much.

How much we say that nationality matters? Im half turk and tatar, 0% Finish i grew in turkish culture in Finland do i play more like Soma or more like other finish players? Would my teen years where i started to live more like Finish ppl minus alcohol that now im in same basket as Nyrde/Jaska? But Jaska says hes imigrant so hes not Finish either so he just happens to have good aim and not talking much like Nyrde. Then what about Assmonkey hes Finish who lives abroad but he has awful aim is it cos he does not live in Finland?

Then we can even look at the Belgium guys they have Netherlands and France side. Does one side produce better players? Quadro is from the Dutch side while Lexa French. Dont know where Dwnkins is from but still they all have great aim and great game sense. We can say Shockcat who is from Netherlands has good aim so does he share same points as Quadro? Hell is from France yet hes not any where good as Lexa so does the Belgium nationality matter more?

Does age matter? Does time of play? Gaming history? Personality? Relationships? Hardware? Location compared to server location so ping?

But in the end what matter is the person behind the screen. I got Quadro to play Apex legends with me and he learns the game mechanics fast and easily. The game has movement mechanics like in UT where u can abuse it to move faster needing more skill and time to learn. I know the basic how to do them yet i cant. Quadro needed less than week and he heard the movement looked up and learned them. Only thing i have up against him  is gameknowledge but in time he will have it too. Does the Belgium nationality matter? Lexa is god in Apex so is Shock but they have gameplay hours in 1-2k+. Im only at 340, Quadro has less than me but its only matter of time.

English is hard :(


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2022, 09:05 »
(RU) - more cheats than anywhere else, but other than that no generalisations to observe

This is an observation based around experience of banning botters and playing with/against people.

It would be more accurate to say "(RU) - more players caught cheating than anywhere else".

The second part was an observation that players who were not cheating with IPs flagged as "(RU)" did not exhibit any noteworthy general features. There's just a normal range of experience playing with/against them.

Yes, we ALL use cheats

It's not entirely clear whether this is an admission or sarcasm.


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2022, 10:00 »
this is sarcasm, I understand your position, but believe me Risel does not use cheats :)


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2022, 10:43 »
I'm not sure about the countries, I conducted my statistics on the signs of the zodiac, but I know that the Gemini guys are the smartest, cool, sexy and talented attacking guys. They are able to win, even if they play alone in whole team.

ShockСat, Sup, Quadro .

Btw, the fire zodiacs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are also very hot and smart guys who always attack, but at the same time are able to change tactics in the middle of the game. If they are in the opposition team, rest assured, you have started having problems.

Hell, Hydro.


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2022, 10:59 »
Dear administration, take note! By the way, we already had twins XD


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2022, 14:30 »
believe me Risel does not use cheats :)

All the people we know cheat have been banned :)


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2022, 14:35 »
I joke again, with love