VCTF and sociology  (Read 77430 times)


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2022, 14:40 »
I managed to fire 7 shock hits in a row against Freon players last night. I suppose eventually blind luck has to result in things hitting!


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2022, 15:34 »
Freon is quite often a game based on statistics - if you constantly take the right decision after right decision then eventually you will hit those targets / thaw those teammates / win that map
But if the alternative is to hop around and spam rockets randomly then there is no way you can ever produce good results over long run


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2022, 16:03 »
Let's use the right words so we don't offend anyone...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2022, 16:16 by Paul »


Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2022, 16:18 »
I'm one of those players that likes to jump around and spam rockets.  Not because I like to specifically spam rockets but because I have little to no aim with hitscan weapons and, after 25 years or so of trying to improve my aim, have a play style built around thawing and getting the odd kill where I can.  It's fun!

You see, not everybody playing yearns to hone their craft, to get X/Y/Z efficiency with certain weapons, to learn the flow of maps, to test themselves against the best players, to instinctively work their way down a decision tree in the middle of a 4-player melee scrap. A lot of people are here for, well, fun. Fun and the familiarity of playing a game that's been around for longer than some players here have been alive.  We enjoy the familiar faces, the jokes, the banter and sometimes we do well, sometimes we don't.

A lot of people aren't looking for good results; we strive for that in many things we do in life but not necessarily here. There will always be more skilled players and that's great - they can crack on with their games and it's often a joy to watch.

In the meantime, there's the rest of us. The ones that are here for the people, the games, the nostalgia and to just play and have a good time. And if that involves rockets and goop, then that just adds to the variety of players we have.

Going back to the OP, I haven't really noticed any differences between players from different areas of the world except the Finnish And US players tend to be a little quieter on Freon. The Dutch players can be a tad 'boisterous' too :)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2022, 16:26 by kops »


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2022, 16:24 »
 Mans, do I need?


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2022, 17:00 »
I'm one of those players that likes to jump around and spam rockets.  Not because I like to specifically spam rockets but because I have little to no aim with hitscan weapons and, after 25 years or so of trying to improve my aim, have a play style built around thawing and getting the odd kill where I can.  It's fun!

I love a good bit of thawing. Here's a few moments:


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2022, 19:00 »
I'm one of those players that likes to jump around and spam rockets.  Not because I like to specifically spam rockets but because I have little to no aim with hitscan weapons and, after 25 years or so of trying to improve my aim, have a play style built around thawing and getting the odd kill where I can.  It's fun!

Yet, you go for the thaw 1st and everything else comes after - in freon that is _basically the only_ correct decision that one has to make and some fail to make. By thawing one dictates / forces the gameplay / flow and through that one can also hit more (if that is the goal). Like I wrote - this is a game of statistics where making correct decisions (=THAW) constantly will guarantee good results regardless of results in a smaller timeframe nor what you were trying to do in the first place ("having fun")

What you wrote in the other part of your answer sounds to me that you should play only FFA. Neither freon nor any form of CTF is suitable for "doing my own thing" and calling it "I only play to have fun". These are teamplay based gamemodes - the biggest fun comes from teamplay, adapting to other teammates respective gamestyles and doing your best together as a team NOT from individual "I like to have fun by wanking in the server by playing FFA in a teambased gamemode simply because this is my definition of fun". Exactly like a virtual representation of a collaboration from school / any team sports / work where wankers would be negatively looked upon

Edit: the point is that one can easily hop around and spam rockets in Freon if thawing is put 1st
« Last Edit: September 27, 2022, 19:08 by zeus »


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2022, 20:35 »
I'm one of those players that likes to jump around and spam rockets.  Not because I like to specifically spam rockets but because I have little to no aim with hitscan weapons and, after 25 years or so of trying to improve my aim, have a play style built around thawing and getting the odd kill where I can.  It's fun!

I love a good bit of thawing. Here's a few moments:

I do remember that game where we've had the original thaw race  >:D


Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2022, 20:38 »
But here's the thing. It's a public server. That means you're going to get all abilities, all play styles. Yes, if someone is just shooting rockets at a wall then they'll be warned and kicked. I'm perfectly comfortable with how I play and I imagine most other players are, too.

I can imagine it's frustrating that it's not as competitive and skilled as you'd like but as soon as we start gatekeeping based on one person's perception of fun and to what level the game should be played then a small, friendly (on the whole) community becomes even smaller and exclusive.

Yr absolutely right on the thawing - play through the radar and kill en route.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2022, 21:41 by kops »


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2022, 21:12 »
:D last thaw race we had we lost trying taking risks to thaw most! Well deserved loss. Great fun.


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2022, 22:15 »
True, we got a little carried away and lost focus on the overall goal. ;D


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2022, 14:08 »
Hi Plaka! congratulations! im a sociologist too, and i finished my master degree this year, i can tell u that as sociologysts, we tend to generalisate a lot, our field need to do that in some way to get data, but here we have a small community, will be interesting to make a field research.... lol
Btw there are many researchs about videogames in sociology, use science hub to look them, most in english, and remember that in final line, we deal with the material conditions over the subjetives one, i will be more prone to say that in videogames the personal beahvior has few to do with country, i will think of it more related to the hardware and economic reality behind it than social generalisations, im talking about alllll videogames not only UT, but for example i have many concerns about ping and quality of the player, even if we have some great players with high ping as Sup, or great aim like Loon (great aim but no usefull for team)... anyway this is gigantic topic and i have already write too much, see you in the warfield comrade sociologyst! :D


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2022, 14:09 »
generalize* forgive my english... im lacking practice


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2022, 14:11 »
I don't know how you guys come up with this, there is some truth to it, but not enough data to come up to any sensible conclusions. The examples that you gave:
1) Italians defend - that's mostly Rounin, hahahahate snipes, Unclegrandma just jumps around aimlessly
2) USA attacks - Dead_Dredd I'd agree, but Kyhado - plays midfield (leaning towards defence), AN - plays midfield, SaintHappening is mostly on defence, FlipFlopKerry mixes it up. If there's one country with an attacking mentality I would say it's Poland - our 4 best players - Plakatowy, Belial, ESCOBAR, myself - we are pretty much all on attack 90%+ of the time. And btw Kuha - I'm the one one who complains a lot, but the vast majority of time it's aimed at my own team for not doing crap. Having said that we are known for complaining a lot xD Blame the weather xD

(FI) - remarkably good aims. Not very chatty - isn't that just Kuha? And he chats a lot too xD
(FR) - France has some of the best attackers, I agree, but there are so many players and I can name from each group - stephanie, Paco on attack, HellFire midfield, corsica sniping, MasterofPuppets, moi on defence

This is the way I see it:
Snipers/campers = people who hate taking risks and want to feel good about themselves despite not adding anything to the table most of the time, probably gives them the illusion that they are helping the team and in reality they are just extremely annoying and nothing else. In investing = people who keep their money in their socks or buy bonds ;D
People who defend = really responsible players and pretty much the core strength of the team. You could have the best 3 attackers in the game, without a proper defence they will most likely lose. Defenders - tacticians, often not too flashy, but getting the job done. Great defence = great foundations of the team. In investing = people who buy index funds ;D
People who attack = people who like taking risks, get bored fast, like to have fun even despite losing their dignity, are not a fan of teamwork and like to work alone (and Sup, that's not selfish - you can't call people who cap multiple times per map selfish, they are the reason the scoreboard is even moving). In investing = people who buy crypto or play stocks with high leverage ;D

If we go further I've noticed (but again, it's a small sample) that girls most often like to defend than attack. Draugr, Vasabi, HLK 7 I believe are pretty much on defence all the time (and use flak as their main weapon), Risel is kinda playing midfield leaning towards defence unless there's a manta on a map in which she's on attack a lot, tirofijo plays midfield a bit too and can attack once or twice per map depending on the circumstances

naaaah i don think soo, im totally atacker, hate to defend i suck at it, maybe because i usually dont have time to wait atackers-----


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Re: VCTF and sociology
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2022, 23:33 »
Coming back to the topic, I have such a small reflection - in fact, Soma and Killer made me aware of it - we often "argue" in the chat about why I did not use a raptor/manta to save our flag. I am writing this not because of me it hurts, but I think that the very perception of vehicles or even the strategies themselves is conditioned by ... something.

In Poland, we often use the saying "The best defense is a good offensive" - ​​as we read in the sources, George Washington, Machiavelli and Sun Tzu wrote about it. When the opponent steals our flag, I think that then the enemy base is empty, because the opposing team is trying to cover the person running with our flag. Of course, if you read this, you probably won't agree - it's natural. The fact that your view of it is different indicates certain conditions (differences) between us, which may result from the origin of each of us.

This is all I would like to add from myself; the society in the world is very diverse (and therefore beautiful!), the players in games are like painters who seem to create a mosaic - the team whose final image is more coherent wins.  :)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2022, 23:41 by Plakatowy »