jeets first map  (Read 27727 times)


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jeets first map
« on: May 25, 2010, 23:31 »
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 16:06 by [MiA]Raj »


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 00:17 »
hehe cool.  yep small maps are good!

Bit narrow in places, but it works fine.


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 00:54 »
thanks snipe ,where do you think i should enlarge it ? so i don't make the same mistakes next time .

Hey that was quick.

I had a quick look inside your map.  Width 256 is pretty good, height 192.  The ramps on Box are about 128, but one wall is missing.

I noticed you scaled the redbrush.  I think that's risky, should resize it -you know where you find height 256 breath/width...

Also probably try to use 8 for BSP and definitely snap (like the pic it is hilighted)  (UT docs recommend - largest possible grid snap - they suggest start with 16 or larger and work down)  Reason for that is so the map processes quicker - cpu does less work.

Static meshes are pretend BSP - so you can scale, rotate have lots of curves - do anything with them.  They kinda replace bsp because it is so difficult to play with.

And you subtracted a large area then used additive which is a lot of unused space.

BUT, nice work man!!   Probably i should have put this in a pm. Don't look at my first map :/
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 01:03 by Snipe34 »


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2010, 01:58 »
 ;D To jeetkunedo,

Well, well. jeet's first map. I HAVE to try this one! I'll download it and let you know.

P.S. I got to play your map and...I liked it! Not bad for a first starter. Now what we need to do is get your map on the server. Keep bugging Snipe or Raj about your map. I liked that trader setup with the lift. (You could've made it roomier. So when the rest of us guys trade for weapons we won't push or shove.)
I can see it now. Jeet, the next map maker for Miasma! Woohoo.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 02:43 by poompoom500 »


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2010, 16:13 »
like you said for my first map "it is shit" -.-


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2010, 16:51 »
 :-\ To jeetkunedo,

Just want to point out a few things I saw needs fixing on your map. 1. First, you're missing texture on ceiling just a little ways off the playerspawn area. 2. Then that staticmesh (banner) is not set properly. The one just before the door going to the zombie spawn area. One that is just behind the scaffolding. You need to turn it right flush against the wall.

Why didn't the door take long to unwield
I checked your KFDoor and couldn't figure out what's wrong. So my suggestion is to copy/paste from another local map, like KF-Offices. Open the KF_Offices map then look for the KFDoor at the 3rd floor money room. Click on the mover and the its accompanying UseTrigger and close the map. then open your map, and paste your copied mover to your map! Right click on surface then "edit" then scroll to "here".
And after you have pasted your KFDoor click on its properties and go to "Display" then down to "StaticMesh" and change it to the one you like. Then press "Use".

« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 17:07 by poompoom500 »


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2010, 17:00 »
Hmm ....First i will  fix some stuff (tonight), i didn't noticed a poster floating around ... seriously i didn't saw it .
And the door needs to open the other way beacause it blocks the zombies ....also:

1.Why didn't the door take long to unwield ,if you look at the door's settings they are good but it unwelds fast and normal ,why is that what can i do to fix it ? I want it to make it hard to unweld it

2.I still don't get it how to use custom textures i have some problems ...

a.When i import textures ,my 512x512 ,bmb 310 textures i only see a few of them why ?

b.So  used the textures , saved the map and when i want to edit it again it's missing a package (of course)
my texture package .How the hell do i have all my imported textures too
eg.  KF-Housewithouthope.utx
and let other people download and play the map too ?

Need help here...snipe ,poom ,anyone ?

I'll go through this anyway most of which you probably already know and I'll get to the 512x512 problem...

Importing textures.  Best thing so you dont have files with your map is add stuff to "mylevel" (mylevel=generic UT name for your map space - doesn't matter what your map is named, every map can have a mylevel area).

Anything you import into mylevel must be placed into your map.  If you don't place it in your map, it will disappear from your mylevel and you will have to import the texture (or whatever) again.  (you can import sounds/static meshes/animations to mylevel - same deal as textures.)

So you click import and find your texture (or whatever).  Box appears: PACKAGE: mylevel  GROUP:anynameYouLikeButNOspaces  NAME:anyName-butNOspacesEither

That should solve your missing texture problem.

Edit/add:  the mylevel of other maps is the safest way to transfer someone else's mylevel stuff into your map's mylevel.  It's better/safer/cleaner than copy/paste.  My own mylevel map stuff in my maps has all sorts of tags switched so that copy/paste may screw up the mesh/tex - may even be invisible when you paste into your map.
The mylevel transfer process is: load my map then load your map (don't quit KFedit).  In your mylevel after loading my map, then your map, you'll find all my meshes/tex.  What you don't use from that mylevel in your map will vanish next time you load your map.
So i should add here:  If you want to use my tex/meshes or whatever from maps, help yourself.  I'm such a sweet guy hehe

The welding problem:
In the KFDoorMover;kfdoormover: bDisallowWeld: True (so the door doesn't reseal after each round) bDamageThreshold: 999 (so the door can't be blasted open)
StartSealdWeldPrc: 100  (so weld strength is 100 when players start to unweld)

In the door's KFUseTrigger;kfusetrigger: MaxWeldStrength: 20000 (that is: 20,000) - same as doors in box3rdremake.  laCasa uses weldStrength 25,000, - so weldStrength is up to you.

A final thing Jeet, if you like making maps with a large open area that players will never see.  With BSP you should make the outside area totally sealed from the inside.  I mean like sky boxes are totally different zones or as per my tut which explains zones.  You map does not seal the outside unused area from inside player area, so definitely DO NOT use a zoneInfo in the way described in pic (least, until you get a handle on zones):
(I took the screenshot, so fuckit i'll use it!)  Making a zone a 'lonely zone' True means that textures and stuff in that zone area are never meant to be seen by the player, so that lowers CPU strain.   

woo poom hehe.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 17:45 by Snipe34 »


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2010, 17:37 »
 :-[ To Snipe34,

Okay, so you solved jeet's ^KFDoor problem^. BIG DEAL! (Heh-heh). Good thing. And once again the map meister (that's you) rules over all. I didn't know that info on the KFDoor. Thank you gracious one. I shall follow the instructions as per prescribed above. Hope you're right. >:(

P.S. BTW (by the way) jeet, this is what Snipe was talking about - the "UseTrigger". Get the "KFUseTrigger Properties" and scroll down to "KFUsTrigger" and change the "MaxWeldStrength". NOTE: You can also change the "WeldShutMessage".
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 17:48 by poompoom500 »


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2010, 21:38 »
:-[ To Snipe34,

Okay, so you solved jeet's ^KFDoor problem^. BIG DEAL! (Heh-heh). Good thing. And once again the map meister (that's you) rules over all. I didn't know that info on the KFDoor. Thank you gracious one. I shall follow the instructions as per prescribed above. Hope you're right. >:(

Yeah I'm right.  And thanks man, what you want a date or something?  8)

I updated my map ,fixed things and enlarged the trader zone like poom say'd ,hope it's better now ,the link is updated now .

The door wielding worked now thanks guys (didn't know i have to set it at kfusetrigger),i'l just have to figure out that texture thing once i'l make a new map ,i hope with custom textures .

Last questions here ...

*The red brush (that red cube) it's not the same size with what i build ,that's bullshit i just noticed that it wasn't like that before (i saw your comment snipe ,how do i resize it ? the same place where i select it's height etc. ?)

*Why it doesn't import all my textures ,they are all the same format ,same size etc .

*Serious problems , just happened 1 day ago ,when i keep right click pressed no matter how hard i press it 70% of the times it right clicks ....what the hell i can't move at all it's so buggy that i can't move anymore , i don't think it's my mouse it worked good before ,and in online games and killing floor it works good ,so  what can it be ?

That's all i have to ask now ,i'l shut up after that :)


I don't know about your mouse problem but for the cube builder you have to right click, sorry - to change those size settings 256,256,256 to what you want.

tex all the same size and format, but won't load...  no spaces in names...?  idk man.  Follow the loading instructions I gave for your next map and see what happens.  If it still won't import we'll look at that problem then.  I have no probs with your questions, ask away :)


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2010, 22:00 »
Sweet :D Gonna try it out. Sorry I've been busy lately, damned finals. Me likes small maps :)


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2010, 23:52 »
scale your red brush back to its correct size, 1,1,1 on the bottom line of the editor.

If you changed the brush's 'display' > 'scale' > change that back to 1.000

then only use the right click, 256,256, 256


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2010, 01:47 »
 :-[ To jeetkunedo,

*The red brush (that red cube) it's not the same size with what i build
Everytime you close the editor and you re-open it, the brush builder (red cube) will go back to its default setting, namely 256, by 256, by 256. So you have to re-size it to your specs from your previous setting. One quick way (short cut) of getting the same size builder brush is to simply click on the "block" that you want to copy. Press the "ctrl" button and the "c" to copy the highlighted "block", and then press "v" while still holding down "ctrl" button/key. And in order for you to move that highlighted "block", simply press and hold the "ctrl" button/key and "right mouse" and move the mouse to the location where you want that "block" to be.

what the hell i can't move at all it's so buggy that i can't move anymore , i don't think it's my mouse it worked good before ,and in online games and killing floor it works good ,so  what can it be ?
Simple solution - you HAVE to "SAVE" and "BUILD ALL" your work (map). Otherwise it'll hog up your RAM (memory) and make your mouse laggy! Okay?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 01:56 by poompoom500 »


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2010, 16:19 »
scale your red brush back to its correct size, 1,1,1 on the bottom line of the editor.

If you changed the brush's 'display' > 'scale' > change that back to 1.000

then only use the right click, 256,256, 256


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Re: KF- HouseWithoutHope
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2010, 16:39 »
 :-\ To jeetkunedo,

Yep. I see what you're doing. Listen to Snipe. DO NOT use the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON! Point to the "Builder Brush" and RIGHT CLICK to get the "BUilder Brush" dialog box .

Maybe you have to RESET your editor setting to "DEFAULT". Click on "View" . Then scroll down to "Advanced Options". And you'll get the Advanced Options dialog box. Click on "Editor" bar and click on "Reset To Defaults"! And do the same to the "Rotation Grid".

See if that'll help any.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 16:52 by poompoom500 »