Gaming Zone > Unreal Tournament 2004

Freon crowd Vs Vctf crowd

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I suggest 3 maps of each gametype (best of 3). Maybe three ONS maps just for giggles/nostalgia (baggsy on Miausz side  8))

Playlist should be decided by most map votes for participating players, flip a coin if it draws.

I'm up for playing for freon on freon and ONS (if there is enough interest), happy to join for vctf also if freon team doesn't have enough players, but I've never played most of the maps. Loved the assface map, reminded me of an old dm map in a kitchen  :D

I'm happy to admin it if I could be a temporary game admin for the duration of the competition.

All of this is kind of pointless if Lexa doesn't want to join the freon team. Although we could have a laugh regardless and get the freon team mingling more with the vctf team - positives either way :)

I suggest a Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening, as I don't get home till 21:30 weekdays so would be unable to participate or help.

It's a losing proposition. Freon's team will suffer total defeat when faced with our super players, such as campers with spiders, or guys who try to join the winning team, or players who sabotage vehicles.

No chance, sorry.


@Risel: so true, so sad  :'(

This would be fun, but I think it would just stir up more trouble between certain players if they lost. In the old days we used to have fun wars all the time consisting of VCTF/TAM players, back when people didn't take the game so seriously :)) Can we all kiss and make up and play on whatever team we want again without stigma? The community is tiny and all the animosity is unnecessary imo.

p.s i can't tell if this post is serious or a joke lol


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