Hello and how are you today?Why this topic?
Today the channel reached 30.000 views (for whatever that means)
And I thought it would be nice to thank the ones who visit it.
Like the most YT channels say, it would be useless without you.
A bit of background what you see.
16 of april 2023 i uploaded the first MIASMA Unreal Tournament 2004 VCTF video.
Third person cause i thought i could learn more from that.
July the switch to first person, a bit on request and less work.
September i started to add GamePlay VCTF to the title. (I think that's the spike)
I also edit most of the old ones.
Why do I post on YT:
I didn't see much UT2004 (so for future generations

To promote it's still alive.
I like what Hell does.
The views:
I am not sure if they are the views that have been clicked or that they show in the right bar or at the end of a video.
940 hours of watch time is an average of 47 seconds per recording.
The Process:
I use GeForce Experience for the recording
1 hour recording is about 9Gb
The library is 3.5Tb

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Resolution: 1920 x 1080, 144Hz
OS: Win 10 Pro
I review all of the recording and about 150 went to the bin (what happens in UT2004 stays in UT2004)
Mind like a said before: Comments are not intended to offend people, it's in good spirit.
I might sometimes be rather wicked or mean with my comments in the channel.
Sorry for that the thinking behind this is experience: I recon we all know how we should play.......
Even if i don't show it: I love all of you

The (temporary) Ask:

I you watch the video's please push the like button. (also with the ones from @Hell_Fire_Back)
This to test if YT algorithm does push up de general views.
I had one recording with 6 likes and it went to 200+ views in no time.
Just an update, I think that since you have been adding likes on a regular basis, the channel has improved quite a bit.
From an estimated average of 100 to well over 200 views a day and higher.
This is thanks to you en the views (time) you spend on the recordings.
If you don't see recordings of yourself, do a request and i'm happy to be of service.
Know i will not mention when.