Sup is a great skilled player and he is one of the most beloved players, he always tries to make a happy atmosphere in the game, and being nice! And many people on the server would agree with me. I play often, almost everyday and I haven't seen you Holy, playing on warfare server, so judging people you don't know, its not a way to go, think if it was reverse, nobody wouldnt want to be judge based on unknowlegde... ღ
How to kill a dying game in 2 steps 1 step:Allow sup to play
Sigh, and Pig asks me not to be aggressive...
Since the precedent is set, I'm considering what arbitrary changes of my own to make to behaviour I don't like, such as giant donkey statues that crush people that sit in superweapon spawns for more than 10 seconds. And if anybody complains, I'll force their nickname to "giant-donkey-statue-hater."