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KF trader door tutorial for deathnote...
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KF trader door tutorial for deathnote... (
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For my one and only Dottie.
KF trader door tutorial for deathnote...
May 14, 2010, 16:08 »
Trader door tut:
First, open your Unreal Editor. Then create your map. I'll start with a single room. Assuming you have KF weapons in the map, you just need to click on "Actor Classes" button (that's the one that looked like a chess pawn) and go down to "Pickup". Then open that and click on whichever one you want to place in your map. Trader is "WeaponLocker", "Ammo" is for your ammo, etc... Then you place a "Shop Volume" around the trader. This will keep the player from trading and will teleport him outside of trader space.
You also have to place a teleporter in front of and outside of the trader space.
Then you get the trader door. Click on the "StaticMeshes" button and select your door.Then click on the "Mover" button and scroll up to the "KFTraderDoor" item. Click and it'll appear on the square browser (bright red). Just move the trader door (mover) to where you want it.
Move the trader door below the floor or to the side. You want it hidden or in the "OPEN" position at the start of the game. Then open the "Mover" (KFTradeDoor) properties by clicking on the small chess spawn button. Go to "KeyNum" and it should be in default number, zero. You then go to the mover and LEFT click it. And you'll see "KFTraderDoor Properties". Click mover and hold then go to "Key0 (base)". Click it.
Then position the door to "CLOSE" (which is UP or in the opening). And LEFT click on the door then "Mover", then "Key1". SAVE! Then "BUILD ALL" and bwahlah, good to go! WARNING - return the trader door "KeyNum" to the "key0 (base)" POSITION! Then "BUILD ALL" and same procedure as after build, to "SAVE" all.
Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 16:52 by poompoom500
Junior Member
Posts: 41
Re: KF trader door tutorial for deathnote...
Reply #1 on:
May 14, 2010, 17:10 »
ah thx aloot for this
im going to go fix some doors onto my traders xD thx
Posts: 339
Boom headshot
Re: KF trader door tutorial for deathnote...
Reply #2 on:
July 22, 2010, 15:43 »
Where i can add the trader ?
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KF trader door tutorial for deathnote...