To AudreyRafael,
NOTE: I making an assumption that you already know the basics about
Scriptted Triggers. You activate them by using a regular
Trigger. Set the
Event to activate your

I know of two ways of spawning zombies by use of
Scriptted Triggers. ONE is by making several individual
Scriptted Triggers that spawns your zombie/s OR you do what Snipe34 did on KF-Horztal and use
Random Pct, Spawn Actor, GoTo, and End Section.
Snipe34 might add some more in this tutorial, but those are the two methods I know that spawns several zombie using
Scrippted Triggers.
First method is simple: Use the method that Kicker did in his KF-TheHive251 map. Use a number of
ScripttedTriggers in one spot.

Second method is Snipe34's: You use a single
ScripttedTrigger to spawn several zombies. But this one isn't as accurate as the many single
Snipe34 used a single
ScripttedTrigger to produce several zombies in his KF-Horztal map. He used
IFRANDOMPCT and set it to 0.8, followed by
SpawnActor to spawn his zombie. Then he used a
WAITFORTIMER set for 5, followed by a
GOTO pointing to
IFRANDOMPCT. Lastly, he ended the cycle with an