Speech bug?!  (Read 13410 times)


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Speech bug?!
« on: October 04, 2010, 18:26 »
Hi, for the game you can bind some speech messages on your keyboard.
My problem is, if I use them I can hear exactly what i wanna say, but all the other players just shout "Base is undefended!".
Last time I thried it in my local network: my game PC and my notebook - on my Laptop I can just shout "Base is undefended",  and so i can also only hear this message
It didn't matter if i have run the server on my Laptop or if I have connected to the [MiA] server.
I think it's one of the maps coming with that shouts.

So just to make it short: please add this messages in the next KFmod release.

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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    • rajliv
Re: Speech bug?!
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2010, 19:58 »
yeap. It's a problem in dedicated servers. You can use UT2004 voice taunts however, but can't hear them yourself.
In listen server kf voice taunts/commands don't work either, but you and others hear the UT2004 taunts same way..