KF 2.53 Or 3.0  (Read 53424 times)


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KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« on: November 26, 2010, 19:30 »
Is There a future date for the new KF patch? just asking :D


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2010, 19:04 »
I just noticed Gab's post, dunno how i missed it... xd

KF 2.53 The aims:

Add storymode; new weapons; changes to the HUD; new characters; vehicles.

What's happening atm:

For 2.53 Afx0r has scripted KF so that online players can choose storymode or survival mode maps.  But I haven't heard anything from him for about a month.  Storymode - Horztal for example is a storymode map but atm we're playing it in survival mode.  With true storymode players can keep respawning.  There will also be objectives for players to reach, and when achieved, dead players can respawn.  So there is a survival element, but also a mission element, such as Horztal - blow up the Complex, or Hive, survive...  We'll modify Hive for 2.53 so players can respawn.

New weapons for 2.53 so far:  glock; dual glocks; blunderbuss; BD3008 9mm machine gun; RPG-7; Browning mounted Machine gun 30 calibre; Ultimax 100 MK2; Pepper Spray; MSG-90 scoped sniper rifle.

Some weapons are working ok, some need script fixes by Afx0r.

Glocks intended to replace current default pistols, with torch attachment.  I think they're a little too powerful for survival - there should be some discussion on this.  Glocks are semi-auto, 17 rounds...  They're working great.

BD3008 also working ok.  Probably good for a first cheap weapon for survival mode, maybe cost £200

Blunderbuss, with Torch attachment.  Very very slow reload (a flintlock muzzle loader: 1 shot reload etc) but it can drop an FP at close range.  But in 3p (3rd person other player view) animation fires a shot as it turns on the torch xd

RPG-7.  Probably more powerful than the LAW, but you can carry less ammo.  Afx0r has fixed targeting online problem but he hasn't sent me the new code...

Browning mounted Machine Gun. Scripted as part weapon, part vehicle.  I can't make it work - Afx0r will rescript it.

Ultimax 100. Has a 100 round magazine and each round has the equivalent fire power of a Winchester round.  It's like mowing the lawn, I love that gun :D  I think it's only for storymode!

Pepper Spray very cheap, cost about £5.  Will stun, stunable zombies, like clot, gorefast.  Doesn't work atm - I think it needs 'projectile code...'   Afx0r will need to fix it.

MSG-90 sniper rifle, the reload isn't working properly yet.  Also needs view shake when scoped.  Way too accurate - only for storymode I think :)

The HUD.  Changing the fonts seems like a difficult project, but we'll try.  Raj has made some great pics for the new hud, and some of his Tag pics would be good to add on the GUI screens.

New Characters:

The new Trader...  We only noticed the old Trader doesn't "idle" when people are in the buying area so Afx0r will fix that.  There's some back story on her elsewhere in the forum.

Clamely's wife (Patriarch's wife), a new monster.  She's a berserker (has knives, clubs).  She can 'freeze' players - other players have to unfreeze comrades.  When shot she sometimes drops a fake corpse.  Fast, and can jump very high.  I haven't begun work on her, but I think Afx0r will have made some code already.

Spider zombie, for storymode dark places.  I used the gorefast code for him, but I dunno about his ragdoll. I can't make that work.  I guess Afx0r will make it work when he does Clamely's wife code.

Vehicles:  Code is the main problem for them, but I can make the meshes and animations, np.  Vehicles will be for storymode, probably mounted with heavy machine guns.  I made a zombie dropship but as yet it has no collison (you can walk thru it) so I'm still working on that.

But a time for completion...??!  I hope Afx0r or Strel0k can answer that.  I haven't heard from Strel0k for a while but he's interested in Storymode so maybe he'll be helping Afx0r - or the other way around, idk.

Storymode is the main aim of 2.53.  So far there's 2 storymode maps, well 3 with Hive.
A storymode map needn't be as complex as Horztal or Hive.   The only real difference survival/story is ScripedTriggers spawn monsters, rather than survival, ZombieVolumes.

ScriptTriggers have set scripts, like "SpawnActor" (means spawnmonster) so you don't have to learn script, and you can't break it :)  So to spawn an FP, you would just select, SpawnActor and insert 'Fleshpound,' or clot or whatever - it's that easy.  Also remember to insert between spawning a monster, WaitForTimer, so you don't suddenly get a whole jumbled bunch of monsters.

If you want to make a storymode map, I can help you out, just ask me.

Remember that for us most of UT2004 is copy/paste.  If you want Terrain copy it from someone else's map, then later learn how to make it yourself...  If you want static meshes, effects, ScriptedTriggers, copy/paste.

That's similar to how it works with new weapons, I 'sub' the code from another weapon.  The problem I have with the MSG-90 is I used KF crossbow code - great scope, but problem is crossbow bolts are loaded 1 at a time, so the MSG loads 1 bullet at every reload.  I dunno how to separate bullet (crossbow bolt) from scope code...  Afx0r will know.

So yah UT modding, mapping is copy/paste, and fiddle until you get it how you like it...

And that's where 2.53 is atm  ???  :D ;D


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2010, 19:26 »

i think i'm gonna love this


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2010, 19:27 »
Sounds good.
Well there are so many things that I think we should call it version 3 or at least 2.6 ;)

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2010, 19:32 »
Ok so i have read the whole thing and well i should say that there are some LOL parts about it like the Pepper Spray xD
That made me lol really hard since zombies cant feel shit , but maybe replace the pepper spray with a smoke bomb? since that would stun them and make them disoriented , ore a smoke granade that can be flammable
Making the 2 boss is a good idea but that brings up a Q in my mind will there still be 10,15 ore 20 waves ? on 10 wave you get the wife and on 15 ( 20)  wave the patty rages and starts killing you for revenge.(atleast he has a reason to kill you :P )
And the story mode that you make is a good idea to know better the story of a hive, hortzal.

The vehicle thing that makes me wonder since you have a car in the game will that mean that the maps will be bigger for a little free roaming? since that would be fun :) at some point.
New Traider !!! Epic i hope she will be sexy as hell since the last traider looked like a zombie -.- no life signs at all :S buying weapons from a zombie now that is wrong xD.

In the new patch i hope you will give us new perks :P and why not make a zombie that can shoot at you ? not patty lol :D a normal zombie that has a 9mm ore something like that since it would make the game a bit harder and more playable :P And that all i wanted to say :D ohh one more thing :) Keep Up The Good Worke :) :)

Ohh and maybe put a thing called achievements? just my point of view :)


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2010, 19:51 »

New Traider !!! Epic i hope she will be sexy as hell since the last traider looked like a zombie -.- no life signs at all :S buying weapons from a zombie now that is wrong xD.

That's the new trader:

a normal zombie that has a 9mm ore something like that since it would make the game a bit harder and more playable

Sounds a little bit like the Husk from the retail version (never played it)

xmpp: n3cr0@jabber.ccc.de


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2010, 23:56 »
Raj suggested a smoke bomb too, also a molotov.  I can make them but it's Afx0r or Strel0k who will script them.  I'm not sure how a smoke bomb could be scripted, I mean so smoke would confuse the zombies.  The molotov idk either about making zombies burn or how that works :/  So maybe Afx0r or strel0k will do the code.

New trader is a psycho freak but fairly sexy.  Afx0r suggested she do a sexy dance if you give her money. I'm working on the dance but when i make her bend over to show her bum it splits in half totally, lol, so I'm learning about making characters... argh.

Clamely's wife, Afx0r was thinking of putting her in earlier survival waves, maybe 7 or 8.  Seem ok?

New perks, you're welcome to suggest some because I heard no definite ideas from anyone, well, other than they want new perks...

Already there are zombies in KF files who shoot, like the FP with chaingun.  I think he should be reactived, if not for survival then storymode.  Also a zombie with a shotty.  And there is the mine.  It's fun, place it, zombie steps on it, kaboom.  I think that should be reactived too.  Raj wants the chainsaw reactived as well.  Personally I think the greater choice of weapons the better.

There was some worry that too many new weapons would ruin survival mode.  Afx0r said he would have different survival/storymode trader buy menus.  In survival new powerful weapons blanked so they couldn't be bought.

Yep, storymode should have have bigger maps for vehicles.  Although a storymode map doesn't have to be big, doesn't have to have vehicles, that's my fault, I like big with vehicles.  If you wanna make a small storymode map, cool.

Husk of 'retail version' well no because this will remain more European, probably as the brilliant creator of KF Alex Quick originally intended.

Naming other than 2.53 didn't occur to me.  But sure, call it anything.  Maybe give a vote as to its name if you want.

I'll do a video of the new weapons soon...  Thanks for your interest!


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2010, 19:00 »
About the perks i think you should make something like a Penetraiting perk that you help you shoot with all weapons shoot through zombies that would be a good perk i think?.

And i think you should balance the story and the suvrival mode with weapons ad some weapons to survival and take some away :) just to balance it :)

Well i think we should name it 3.0 since you ad new weapons , maps , traider, new transport, and a new boss to fight, and new characters to ^.^  .
And i think we should make the waves from 10 to 15 since on 10 wave you get patty and now you get his five and then patty on 15 :) just my opinion.


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2010, 19:04 »
New perks, you're welcome to suggest some because I heard no definite ideas from anyone, well, other than they want new perks...

Already there are zombies in KF files who shoot, like the FP with chaingun.  I think he should be reactived, if not for survival then storymode.  Also a zombie with a shotty.  And there is the mine.  It's fun, place it, zombie steps on it, kaboom.  I think that should be reactived too.  Raj wants the chainsaw reactived as well.  Personally I think the greater choice of weapons the better.

new perks(i can't let u say that i don't have idea's!)..... you know.... i think you got pretty much everything covered with these perks...(though some things like flame-thrower, law, duels and probably some new weapons don't have perks yet)
i think that specialization in perks might be a nice idea. things like:

mob zerker(zerking of large mobs, quicker swing time of axes and knifes, maybe an ability of getting duel knifes at start of game instead of normal, also not able to carry as much as normal(unlocked by meleeing a lot of zombies))

strength zerker(zerker getting a huge strength boost, and maybe new right click option for melee weapons that takes longer to use but has a lot more strength(like sticking your axe in his head and pulling it out again/piercing trough his body with chainsaw)(unlocked trough a high amount of DPS with a melee weapon))

also things like: long range sniper, fast sniper, head shot sniper, fast medic, return from the dead medic, fully heal medic and i could go on all day XD(and than including the weapons above:  flame-thrower(in special flame perk for support?), law(support, explosive perk), duels(commander(or whatever it is) in a small weapon specialization) )

if you want the mine/chainsaw/fp chain gun reintroduced you will have to fix some bugs(like that u can only place one mine per respawn/ you don't see the chainsaw in ur hands/the chain gun FP misses some part of his arm if you look at him from the side)(just saying)

(and this just because i can't let it go.... how about using the same effect like in dontfalldown only than for 10 seconds on the place where the Molotov lands?)

feedback always welcome(feedback, not just "that sucks")


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2010, 19:09 »
Slim damn you gave me a epic idea :D Why not make assasin perk?
mob zerker(zerking of large mobs, quicker swing time of axes and knifes, maybe an ability of getting duel knifes at start of game instead of normal, also not able to carry as much as normal(unlocked by meleeing a lot of zombies))
Same thing Assasins are fast and stuff :P


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2010, 19:14 »
:) i like it

of course the names i gave where kind of exactly what's in the tin. saying precisely what it would be, it was more about the effect than about names XD(things like : return from the dead medic, sound unbelieveble crappy)


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2010, 19:16 »
All hail Slim :D i get god like ideas from him :D


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2010, 19:18 »
be happy you can help me with MY godlike idea's :P :P :P :P


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2010, 19:19 »
Well actualy the return from the dead medic gave me an idea of making a deadly medic perk it will heal players but it will poison zombies :)


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Re: KF 2.53 Or 3.0
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2010, 19:23 »
yeah, i like that too... though it's a bit like the retail medgun.... but the real question is.... do the developers like it?