Step 1:Download the latest version (v2.5) from here: ... bfd09257b6If the link isn\'t working, try one of the mirrors here: 2:Make sure you have the content you need:*
Unreal Tournament 2004 - latest version (
v3369). You can check what version your ut2004 is if you open ut2004, go to server browser and look in upper right corner.
* UT2004
Editor\'s Choice content (ECE). If you have bought the UT2004 Editor\'s Choice Edition, you don\'t need to read this step.
If you don\'t have ECE, download MEGAPACK. It contains both ECE content and also patch to v3369 (If you didn\'t have the latest version of ut2004 before, just get Megapack now):
For Windows: ... gapack.exeFor Linux:[/list]
Step 3:Installing.Start the downloaded KF25 installer.
Now, you must install KF inside your UT2004 folder.

As you can see, the default directory is
C:ut2004KFmod20If your UT2004 is installed in some other location, you must change the directory.
For example, my ut2004 is installed on D: drive, so i change my directory to:
If you\'re not sure where your ut2004 is installed, you can always open My Computer and look under C: drive if you have ut2004 folder there.
But most probably the default directory is correct so you might not have to change anything.Note for those who have bought Ut2004 through Steam:Your ut2004 is located in
SteamsteamappscommonSo your KF install directory would be
Next and finish the installation.
Step 4:How to play?Now, if you did everything right, there should be a folder called
"KFMod20" in your UT2004 folder.
Open that folder and start
Play KF.bat file to play.

Enjoy! Any questions, problems? Just ask in this thread.