Sugestions about the mod  (Read 55901 times)


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Re: Sugestions about the mod
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2010, 05:21 »
no guns in holland, as in really, your never gonna get one unless you have the right(or more the wrong) friends...

so no, it wasn't with a real gun. but still, theory is pretty much the same.(I'm definitely planning to go to the us and do some kind of curses there)

which brings up the amusing story about that news reporter that was going to prove that it was easy to buy guns in holland, and indeed for a price of 1500 euro he had his beautiful...... toy gun XD
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 05:40 by [MiA]Slim_Cognito »


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Re: Sugestions about the mod
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2010, 19:44 »
Open (iron) sights waver around even if your gun is well supported, and tripods can be restrictive.  Way to be accurate is knowing exactly when to fire - I mean your gun sight will be wavering, so over distance that waver is badly accentuated.  You learn to be accurate mostly by grouping shots: fire where you think you will hit, say 5 shots, then check the target to see where you hit.  Important also to keep your shot process consistent: sight on target - make sure you view the sights exactly the same every time, also notice your trigger pull.

Not every gun sight is accurate, so usually try the 5 shots first.  Then even if your gun is sighted, it may give a bad spread.  I had a cheap shit semi-auto with a bad spread, bullets all over the place, but fun to shoot :)

Aiming rl is a similiar process in KF with no sights that Nc3 was telling a guy who complained about no sights.  You get used to it.  Also in KF or any 1st per shooter, you learn about 'lead fire' - shoot slightly ahead of a moving target.

Trouble with guns is ppl soon get bored with paper targets :-X


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Re: Sugestions about the mod
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2010, 19:46 »
i'm missing the point?


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Re: Sugestions about the mod
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2010, 00:16 »
i'm missing the point?

A few tips when you're in the US shooting at targets...


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Re: Sugestions about the mod
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2010, 07:13 »
ah :D

i didn't think we would go that far off topic :D

so i thought you where giving an argument on the fact that i said aiming trough iron sights is hard...

i don't have plans to go yet, but i definitely want to do it in the near future.