Item name (in shop): Glow Stick
weight: 1 block for 2 glow sticks each
cost: 30 pounds (each)
Damage: None, unless it is thrown[1-5]
Description: Glow Sticks could be a better way to clear of proximity of it's shadows, however, they have a timer of no more than 7-10 minutes (shooting them will disable them). Glow Sticks spawn different colors of light, such as green, blue, red, or white.
Ways to fire: Left Clicking [default] will crack the glow stick, If it left-clicked again, you toss the glow stick underhand, Right Clicking [default] will throw it and still be active, if a ZED is hit with the glow stick, they take damage [Decloaks stalkers and scares spiders]
Wielding: They player's view has two glow sticks in his left hand, they will appear gray until left clicked, which cracks it. Your right hand is hidden until left clicked.
Additional things: You cannot buy just one, they come in pairs.