KF-TheHive251LessLag Map...  (Read 12913 times)


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  • For my one and only Dottie.
    • poompoom500
    • poompoom500
KF-TheHive251LessLag Map...
« on: May 24, 2011, 12:25 »
 >:( The Hive With Less Lag,

Have you ever asked yourself if there is any way to play the Hive with less lag? Well, that question is now answered with a resounding  YES. Yours truly made a few changes to the map to enable less lag gameplay. Thus the reason for the map name, KF-TheHive251LessLag.
Download link is http://www.mediafire.com/?f79bddugj87r7um.

Changed the spawning sequence at the "missing floor" to spawn zombies at a slower rate so the player won't get overwhelmed with a large crowd of the living dead.

Then placed new triggers so when the player reaches a certain spot, the zombies are destroyed! Less lag.

Also, I placed exit signs at the sewer so the player will find his way around. (NOTE: The signs are often upside down, but just follow the arrow).

And when you reach the train on the way back, the zombies will spawn at a larger rate but won't overwhelm you. Just stick it out and wen you see the message, "1 minute left" then the zombies will be destroyed (except the crawlers).

And lastly, when you teleport to the 'hospital", you get new guns (flamethrower and LAW). Use them to fight against the zombies in there. The way to survive the place is to make a quick left then go to the end of hallway where there is a green light. You will be teleported back to the manor!

« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 16:26 by poompoom500 »