But which area from the movie? How about the supermarket, Pacific Playland or maybe the mansion of Bill Murray?
Is that mission map or?..
(Is the name that you use for your username , your real name?)
Hicks is the name of Aliens' sargent who helped Ripley destroy the aliens in the mining colony.
Warning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.MesaEnv2Warning: Failed to load 'KF-MahloeehMaze-T': Can't find file for package 'KF-MahloeehMaze-T'Warning: Failed to load 'KFZombieLand_SM': Can't find file for package 'KF-MahloeehMaze-T'Warning: Failed to load 'KF-ZombieLand': Can't find file for package 'KF-MahloeehMaze-T'Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary KF-ZombieLand.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'KF-MahloeehMaze-T'Warning: Error loading KF-ZombieLand !Warning: Missing Texture Texture KFGUI.GUILabelSelectWarning: Missing Cubemap Cubemap AW-Cubes.Cubes.PS_CubeWarning: Missing TexEnvMap TexEnvMap AW-Cubes.Cubes.SunCWarning: Failed to load 'KF-THS': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'Warning: Failed to load 'KF-Celotex': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary KF-Celotex.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'KF-THS'Warning: Error loading KF-Celotex !ScriptLog: bAutoNumBots: FalseWarning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'NULL': Can't resolve package nameWarning: Failed to load 'Class None.': Can't resolve package nameScriptLog: KFLRules = KF-Mall2beta.KFLevelRulesScriptLog: UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7789 successfully bound.ScriptLog: PORTSWAP detected, exiting... old port: 7787, new port: 7789, requested port: 7787
Strange... KF-MahloeehMaze-T ... I already have the normal MahloeehMaze map, but it seems you have not included this package there
ok, next thing missing: KF_MahloeehDnML_T