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Project Sony

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MY PS3 F***ed up; the disk drive stopped working... so I removed the hard-drive and installed Windows 7 on it. Then, yesterday I got bored so I decided to tear the console apart after about 7 months of dust. This is the result.

My Techie setup. Mind the clutter.

The innards at a meek glance.

The Blu-Ray drive. This is what broke on me :(

The format warning. It was extremely hard for me to confirm.

(kinda hard to read)

Shit`s goin`down. Goodbye, Win7! ;_;

(kinda hard to read)



And have a video:

Have you tried to clean the lens of the BD?
Btw, is this the fat or the slim PS3 - I don't have one so I can't see the difference on your photos.

You swap Windows 7 for Black Ops?
That's like swapping a multifunctional mobile phone for an evil cat, which drains your money away slowly

No, it's just like swapping a crappy I-Phone (I know, some ppl will hate me now) for a PSP

Pf, I don't play CoD anymore because of Activision.
CoD4 was such a great game, but theiy obviously hadn't enough money to continue... that's why they cut things out of the final product and sell them as an overpriced DLC.
That's strange... CoD gets selled so good, but they still need all the money while other publishers give mappacks away for free...
Poor Activision...

I love sarcasm.


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