Hey everybody ^^
I know I didnt played for a long time, but know im back and I brought a little map for you.
It's called KF-Felicity
This is a remake of a map from the N64 game "Perfect Dark"
It was my favorite map and I always loved to play on it, but someday
I thought it would fit good as a Killing floor map, so I decided to make
an remake with selfmade and updated textures, mixed with KF textures to
keep the balance. I didnt added many KF Static Meshes to keep the classic feeling
and i hope its acceptable for these players who doesnt know about "Perfect Dark"
I think it has still a good feeling as an KF map because i focused more on the textures
than the meshes.
Anyway here are some screens:
(They are a little bit dark, sry for that)

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ivvllyu3rrix21dIt's a small / medium sized map.
Hope you like it