Hello all KF Mod20 die hards. I have finally figured out how to play the KF-BioticsLab Commish map. This map was made by the KFMod 20 modder, Alex Quick himself. But I figured out "the method to his madness"! And I revised his map to make it more systematic.
I revised it so that you can play it with some sense of organization madness. If you are interested then continue reading, and if not then you're not!
The way Alex had the map work is by randomly having you (1) stop the leaks at one of the 5 leak locations, and/or (2) fix the generator overload, and/or (3) kill the big boss (scrakes).
The way I did it is to systematically do (stop) the 5 leaks (one at a time) first, then fix the generator overload (one time), and then kill the BIG BOSS!
Anyways, here is the download link --
http://www.mediafire.com/download/e8g11cnqd21nk06/KF-BioticsLab-Commish-Revised.ut2NOTE: I made the triggers visible so that it'll be easier for you to find them.

The trigger below is where the first leak is. You need to go there and turn the trigger on by standing in it to stop the first leak.

And the second gas leak location is by the starting point intersection (as shown below):

And the third trigger is by the lab (as shown below). And so forth...